Dennis Burke

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  • in reply to: Do you know your FAR’s? #11803
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
    Ok, as you point out Don, i guess those 2 phrases allow for glider flight exemption.Actually, your last 2 paragraphs are the key take-away points. Thanks.
    in reply to: Do you know your FAR’s? #11792
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

    On the FARs for us pilots, here is one that probably should be reminded of: 91:159 , A1 & A2, VFR cruise altitudes.  Not sure how our gliders on XC can adhere to the 1000 ft delta while trying to complete a task that crosses any N-S line?

    in reply to: Greasing Our Maintenance Wheels #11729
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
    Thanks for reminder!     In advance, is there an elusive “punch-list” (items needing work) that was mentioned by J. Lincoln Maint Report at the Feb meeting? Of course all the board members probably know exactly what’s on the top-10,  & still outstanding. The rest of us may not know.
    in reply to: It can be done #11715
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
    That’s super.   The altitude profile might be really interesting to watch later, by the pilot.
    in reply to: It can be done #11709
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
    Nice. Does the Condor flight create an IGC file,  for later viewing ?
    in reply to: 2022 Spring Safety Meeting #11697
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

    It would be great if the GS and Operations section,  re-reviewed the topics brought up in last yr’s March 9, 2021 Safety Mtg posting!

    in reply to: Condor Webinar Mon Feb 14 7:30PM CT #11686
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

    Hi, do you know if this CLGC webinar (Condor) was recorded, for further view?

    in reply to: WINGS, are you using it? #11586
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

    Per Don’s and John’s message reminders, this just popped up for Feb 9 discussion on WINGS by

    very timely…..

    in reply to: XCSoar #11477
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

    I can only speak for myself, but there is another version-type to XCSoar called “TopHat” for Android systems, that i find much easier to seup, use & understand.

    It uses XC Soar file formats, waypoints, site files, tasks, records flights as IGC files, and replays IGCs.

    Minimum experience using XCSoar.


    in reply to: lifting theory. why we can fly. simplified! #11421
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

    Go 7 minutes into Chap 10, where airfoil is introduced

    in reply to: Sky Soaring Ground School #11361
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

    Missed Chap 10 online, but thank you Steve for YouTube links!

    in reply to: SSI ANNUAL MEETING NOV 20TH!! #11355
    Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

    My first time voting,… is the 2022 Slate the same as last year? Is a paper ballot used?

Viewing 12 posts - 73 through 84 (of 302 total)