Richard Bell

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  • in reply to: Missing SSI Meeting Minutes #14398
    Richard BellRichard Bell

    Thanks Don. Really do appreciate it

    in reply to: Sky Soaring Member Achieves Silver Altitude #13822
    Richard BellRichard Bell



    It is so rewarding for me to see my dear friends, like you and so many others from Sky Soaring doing so well. Keep up the spirit of such a great club. Thanks, Dick Bell.

    in reply to: Reunion this summer #11920
    Richard BellRichard Bell

    Memorial Day sounds good to me Steve.


    in reply to: Any Members Snow Plow? #9970
    Richard BellRichard Bell

    Hi Don,

    What I have done in the past is to park my truck and trailer on Getty road just short of the stop sign, and unload the tractor there, then work on the entrance until I can move the truck and trailer onto SSI property.

    If I do that, I would need someone to stay in my truck until I can move it.


    PS How much in a hurry are you to get this done?

    You can give me a call on my home phone at 815-923-216 I will be here today until around 1:00p

    in reply to: Any Members Snow Plow? #9968
    Richard BellRichard Bell


    I have a Kobota tractor with a bucket and rear blade. I have cleared the driveway in the past. I need to be able to get the tractor and trailer far enough into the driveway, (clear of Rt 20), to be able to unload it though.

    I have not been past the field for a couple of months, and don’t know what the new entrance is like, or how much snow has accumulated there.

    Can anyone fill me in on that?


    Dick Bell

    in reply to: Engine Rebuild Fund #9605
    Richard BellRichard Bell

    I totally agree with Don Grillo and Jim Skog about having the overhaul done at Poplar Grove.

    I had my Piper Comanche there for a few years and had all maintenance done there, plus a complete engine overhaul. It is a first class operation.

    Drive or fly over there and arrange a tour of the overhaul area. I think you will be impressed.

    Dick Bell

    in reply to: Runway grading #9428
    Richard BellRichard Bell

    Many years ago we had the chance to have the ditch at the east end of the runway work done for free. All the person, who owned and operated the heavy equipment company wanted, was one year’s free membership to the club. He would pay all his bills for flying, etc.

    The current board at that time, in their infinite wisdom turned him down. The reason? They said  that it should be free because if he became a member of the club, it should be considered a donation.  He never came back after that, and I did not blame him.

    Speaking about the ditch there, just filling it in without a fairly large section of metal drainage material would invite a possible major flooding situation. Believe me, I know from experience, seeing past flooding from the field just to the south east of there. It becomes a torrent of water.

    Sorry, I was grounds chairman for a number of years, and know the SSI land well, and am babbling on.

    in reply to: Secret mission to SSI #8209
    Richard BellRichard Bell


    Go down the street from the field to B&K Power Equipment, 815-923-4547, 17009 Riley Harmony Rd, Marengo, about :05.  Talk to Bob or Barb.

    They are Hustler dealers, and that is the place I originally bought the Hustler for the club, many years ago.

    They should be able to help finding the right part.


    in reply to: Saturday update #7304
    Richard BellRichard Bell

    Very nice!

    in reply to: Ford Tractor Model Number #6331
    Richard BellRichard Bell

    Hi Don,

    I work numerious times, in the past, on the fuel valve.

    I found that if I tightened the glass bowl too much to the gasket, it sometimes shut off or restricted the fuel flow. Don’t ask me how. Anyway, you might try loosening it a bit.

    Thanks, Dick Bell

    in reply to: Internet Speed Increase! #6078
    Richard BellRichard Bell

    Hi John,

    Thank you so much for making the internet speed increase happen.

    I have had absolutely no trouble logging into the web cam site since the increase of internet speed at SSI.

    Also, many thanks to Dennis Burke, (who I have yet to meet), for listening to my thoughts about the web cam system.


    in reply to: Ford Tractor Model Number #5806
    Richard BellRichard Bell


    You might try B&K just down the road, (North), from the field. Bob has a lot of knowledge about those things, and he has worked a lot on various things for SSI in the past.


    Dick Bell

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 15 total)