Don Grillo

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Holiday Cheer #7920
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    The battery in the winch is dead. When I was out there yesterday I put the charger on for about an hour only. That may have been enough to charge it up some. But I would recommend that someone go out early in the morning and put the charger on.

    — Don 

    On Dec 22, 2019, at 11:39, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Our Friend Ed #7870
    Don GrilloDon Grillo
    I’d like to share some personal thoughts on Ed Hoffmann. He had a generous and warm spirit and was one of my first friends in the club when I joined 20 years ago. Clearly, he was a key player in shaping the foundations of this community through a rare blend of leadership and service. His sense of humor was always enjoyable. His guidance to the club was always valued. His passing is a real loss for Sky Soaring. His positive influence and legacy will live on.

    in reply to: ChicagoLand Glider Council Meeting Dec 16th #7838
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    It’s hanger flying at its best. I
    highly recommend attending.



    New topic posted by John DeRosa.
    Title: ChicagoLand Glider Council Meeting Dec 16th


    Be sure to attend the December 16th ChicagoLand Glider Council
    meeting.  The topic will be Parowan Soaring, Safety and Natural
    Beauty.  This should be good!


    The meeting starts at 7:30PM in the downstairs conference room in
    the Schaumburg Airport main building.  Several of us meet
    beforehand at 6PM at Pilot Pete’s restaurant for the chow line
    (and afterwards too!).

    in reply to: exhaust pipe installation on the retrieving car Honda #7803
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

     Thank You Andy and Greg!!!

    Some members will be out on Saturday as well around 1000 hours. Breakfast is 0900 hours at Allen’s Corner  on Rte 20.  John D and John P will be working on the Hustler. I’ll be working on the Pumpkins tailwheel assembly.  Of course, just coming out to B.S. and do some hanger talk is always fun too.


    in reply to: exhaust pipe installation on the retrieving car Honda #7785
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Hi Andy,

    There will be work going on at the
    hanger this coming Saturday starting about 11:30. Can you wait
    until then to work on the Honda?


    in reply to: 2019 SSI Annual Meeting Notice #7700
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    On behalf of the Maintenance Committee, I would like to thank all our members that came to the annual meeting and those that then went to the field and help with disassembling the gliders and getting them stored in the hanger. We accomplished a lot.

    The Pawnee did a 30 minute flight to verify that the ADS-B installation was working. The FAA confirmed the flight and the Pawnee is now 2020 compliant.
    The PW-5 was put in its trailer and brought to storage.
    The 2-33a Pumpkin was disassembled and stored in the hanger.
    The 1-34 was disassembled and stored in the hanger.
    The Krosno was disassembled and stored in the hanger.
    The C-182 schrader valve on the nose strut was replaced and serviced.
    The electric golf carts have been repaired, thanks to Andy C.
    Two new tires for one of the carts have been ordered.

    Thank you from the Maintenance Committee
    Don, Gary and John D,

    in reply to: 2019 SSI Annual Meeting Notice #7664
    Don GrilloDon Grillo
    The correct address for the Village Inn is 11713 Main Street, Huntley. It is not 1173.

    in reply to: 2019 SSI Annual Meeting Notice #7630
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Re-sending this message as a report
    came in that some members did not receive this message. For
    assurance, please login into the website to view
    the latest messages.


    Notice of The SSI Annual Meeting for 2019

    The 2019 Annual meeting will be held at the Village Inn in
    Huntley (1173 Main Street) on Saturday November 16. Breakfast will
    be available starting at 8:00 am and the meeting will start at
    9:00 am. Members of the current SSI Board of Directors will report
    on the past year as it affected their areas of responsibility and
    discuss plans for the coming year. All Club members are encouraged
    to attend this important meeting.

    A key element of the meeting will be the vote for the 2020 SSI
    Board of Directors. Those Club members eligible to vote and serve
    on the SSI Board must be either Patron Members or hold at least
    one share of the Sky Soaring LLC.. Ballots will be available at
    the meeting and are also included with this e-mail. Eligible
    members who cannot attend the meeting may vote via e-mail or mail
    using the proxy included with the e-mail ballot. All of the
    current Directors have agreed to stand for election with the
    exception of the Club Secretary. Tim Ponsot has been nominated for
    the Secretary position. Nominations for any Director Position may
    be submitted to the Club Secretary at any time prior to the vote
    on Saturday.

    Lets have a good turnout this year.

    John Osborn
    Secretary Sky Soaring Inc.


    Sky Soaring Inc.
    Board of Directors Ballot 2019

    The Annual Meeting of Sky Soaring Inc. (The Club) will be held on
    Saturday, November 16, 2019. In order to have a quorum for the
    meeting, as called for by the SSI Constitution and Bylaws, a
    minimum of 25% of the Club members, eligible to vote, must be
    represented either in person or by proxy. Eligible members are
    either Patron Members or members holding at least one Sky Soaring
    LLC share. This proxy and ballot will serve to assure that a
    quorum is present for the meeting.

    Eligible members are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting
    where ballots like the one shown below will be
    . Eligible members who are unable to
    attend the meeting are encouraged to vote by submitting this
    ballot with its signed proxy (see below). The proxy allows members
    to designate either the current Board or another eligible member
    to vote on their behalf.

    Eligible members should vote for the candidates of their choice
    as shown on the Ballot below. “Write In” votes are allowed for
    candidates not on the Ballot. Write In Candidates must be eligible

    To vote for your choice of candidates mark an X next to the name
    of the candidate:

    Write In Candidates
    President                                 Larry Kase        _____
    Vice President                        Art Silverman  _____        
    Secretary                                 Tim Ponsot       _____  
    Treasurer                                Steve Snyder    _____    
    Flight Chair                            Mark Mallamo _____        
    Maintenance Chair               Don Grillo         _____          


    To have the current Board of Directors or another LLC member vote
    for you use the following proxy:

    I hereby appoint (mark only one) the [ ] SSI Board of Directors
    or [ ] _____________________________________________,
    a current eligible voting member, to submit my vote for the 2019
    SSI Board of Directors.

    Name:____________________________________ (print name)

    Signature: _________________________________ (the proxy must be
    signed to be valid)

    Please complete this proxy and mail to the Club Secretary:

    John Osborn                                                      
                           or  e-mail to
    11800 Oakridge Road
    Caledonia, Illinois 61011

    in reply to: Maintenance Monday #7619
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Hello Frank,

    I am not aware of any of our altimeters being off that much (100-300 feet) when set to barometric pressure.  For our training ships (the 2-33’s), the altimeter is set to field elevation of 900 feet during the before takeoff checklist regardless of what the bp is. We don’t use the barometric pressure that is reported at nearby airports (Dupage or DeKalb in our case).  As you noted, our club ships, with the exception of the PW-5 are for local flights only and we do not fly them cross country.  Flying into different air masses is not a concern for our short local flights.

    However, I will make note of your write-up and check the altimeters in both 2-33’s.

    Even so, as a glider pilot you will want to develop the skill of flying without the use of an altimeter, and learn to judge your altitude by visual sight only.  As a student, your instructor will, or should, fly a few flights with you without the use of the altimeter.

    What instruments are required in a 2-33?  Your 2-33 POH will tell you.

    Maintenance Committee Chairman


    Frank Smith wrote;
    Have you all noticed how extremely inconsistent the altimeters are when attempting to set them to indicate field elevation?
    I’ve noticed wild variations of barometric pressure reading vs indicated altitude when setting altimeters on the pumpkin and stars stripes to field elevation.
    How much does calibration at an avionics shop cost??
    Inexperienced nuggets like myself can eyeball somewhat. However; 100 to 300 feet variation from actual altitude MSL can make a world of difference particularly whenever more than two to five miles from the airstrip.
    There’s extremely little margin for error when there’s little to no lift on some days. It’s ok for within 2 to 4 miles away or staying in the pattern. Any other distance is potentially uncomfortable below 3000 AGL

    in reply to: Maintenance Monday #7617
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    WOW!!! What a great turnout we had today.  We got so much accomplished.

    I want to thank, John DeRosa and John Osborn for installing the ADS-B on the Pawnee.  It still needs a 30 minute flight so we can run the final checks on it. Hopefully, we’ll get that done before it gets to cold.

    Thank you to Gary Palumbo and Larry Case for installing the new door hinge on the C-182. Painting is all that is needed to finish up that project.

    Thanks to Andy for working on the Green Golf Cart.  It will be out of commission for a few weeks so plan on using the two white golf carts.

    Thanks to Mark, Greg and Alan for winterizing the hanger and doing the other odd jobs that needed doing.

    Mark supplied the av-lube and Andy supplied the Polish sausage for a mid afternoon treat.

    The word is we are going to try and get an operation going on Wednesday. Stay tuned for that.


    in reply to: Sunday November 3 Ops? #7610
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Hi Alan,

    Probably not a good day to be flying
    gliders. IMHO. 🙂


    in reply to: URGENT! #7551
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Steve,  having a wing slightly lower (right wing in our
    case) keeps the mostly westerly winds from getting underneath the
    wing and lifting it. You would not want to have an excessive
    amount of wing down as you mention below.


    Steve wrote:

    On the subject of one wing down, with the 2-33 tail on a stand
    there would be all of the weight on one side of the fuselage
    rather than balanced equally. I’m not a fan of that.


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