Holiday Cheer

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  • Author
    • #7919
      Tim PonsotTim Ponsot


        It’s come to my attention that the weather tomorrow might be copacetic to some sleigh rides. The winch has more than enough reindeerpower to deliver the toys we need to deliver and it’s a warm, clear day so Rudolph-type landing lights will not be on the MEL for any glider.


        But in all seriousness is the field/equipment in good enough condition to permit some flying tomorrow? It’d be fun you guys…



      • #7920
        Don GrilloDon Grillo

          The battery in the winch is dead. When I was out there yesterday I put the charger on for about an hour only. That may have been enough to charge it up some. But I would recommend that someone go out early in the morning and put the charger on.

          — Don 

          On Dec 22, 2019, at 11:39, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

        • #7921
          John PhelanJohn Phelan

            I’m pretty sure everything, including the winch and retrieve vehicle, is put away for the winter.

            Best Regards,
            John F. Phelan
            (HTC Mobile)

            —– Reply message —–
            From: “Sky Soaring” <>

          • #7922
            John LincolnJohn Lincoln

              The weather may cooperate but my schedule does not, so I will NOT be able to help if all y’all fly. Good luck and have fun for those who do. John Lincoln

            • #7923
              Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

                Don- To my knowledge the truck battery (more importantly the terminals for its alternator) are within jumper cable distance. Is that, along with trickle charging in the morning, a viable solution?

                John- Pawnee is in front of winch truck and retrieve car. So while technically they are “put away” I do not see this as more of a problem than it would be during the flying season. Just move the tow plane out, get the stuff and move it back in. Am I missing something? Has the configuration changed since I was out  last?



              • #7924
                John PhelanJohn Phelan

                  When I was last out there (last weekend), the 182 was in front of the Pawnee, the retrieve car was in front of the winch with someone working on it, the winch had a tent drapped over one end of it. Nothing that can’t be undone. Just a lot moving pieces to the puzzle.

                  Best Regards,
                  John F. Phelan
                  (HTC Mobile)

                  —– Reply message —–
                  From: “Sky Soaring” <>

                • #7925
                  Don GrilloDon Grillo

                    Tim,  I believe the truck battery is ok, it is the winch battery
                    that is dead. I left a battery charger on the winch battery
                    however, it is not plugged in so, it will need charging.  Any
                    jumping would be done at the battery not the alternator.

                    Here are some other things that would need to be done:  Remove
                    the battery charger from the C-182. 

                    The gas golf cart is sitting in front of the C-182 tail.  Caution
                    moving things as everything is packed in like a sardine can.

                    Check with Andy to see if he is finished working on the
                    installation of a new exhaust pipe on the mule. I think he is but
                    I’m not 100% sure.

                    I would request that the C-182 not be flown. Jim has spent a week
                    cleaning and polishing it and I would like to have it clean for
                    any prospective buyers.

                    Tim Wrote:

                    Don- To my knowledge the truck battery (more importantly the
                    terminals for its alternator) are within jumper cable distance. Is
                    that, along with trickle charging in the morning, a viable

                  • #7926


                      Happy to join in. Its all manageable if the “winch savvy” wise men show up.


                    • #7927
                      Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

                        Alright gents.

                        10AM tentative start time. I’ll be there earlier to charge the battery, check the mule and get things set up as best I can. We need a CFI or a winch driver (I will fill whichever role you don’t) as well as someone who is launch director qualified. Let’s try to take advantage of a beautiful day!

                      • #7928
                        Don GrilloDon Grillo

                          I won’t be there, I have to start my Christmas shopping 

                          — Don 

                          On Dec 22, 2019, at 14:40, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

                        • #7929
                          Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

                            Aww Don-

                            You still have between 7:59 and 8:00 on Christmas morning to get all that done! xD

                          • #7930
                            Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

                              <p style=”text-align: left;”>Given that we may not have a full crew available I’ll check the message board at 9 in the morning before heading out to the field. If no flight operations I might inspect the winch battery.</p>

                            • #7931

                                Many topics in this letter.

                              • #7932

                                  There are specifically designed battery maintainers that can be purchased at extremely reasonable cost that could be used which posses electronic monitoring controls preventing overcharge.

                                • #7933

                                    Hopefully the 182 will be sold quickly enough so that hangar rot wont set in from extended dormancy.
                                    Whats the asking price for that old reliable workhorse

                                  • #7934

                                      Ha! Ha! :-[)

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