Karl Landl

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Memorial Day Picnic #12108
    Karl LandlKarl Landl
    When does the picnic begin?

    On Thursday, May 26, 2022, 11:05:20 AM CDT, SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com> wrote:

    in reply to: Quiz time #11217
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    “D” of course because a 45º bank is always the most efficient one. Btw: I was at the field this morning to do some work on my trailer and upon arriving at the entrance the gate was wide open! This was at 8:32. I left at 11:45 with no one else showing up.


    On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 12:13:32 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <webmaster@skysoaring.com> wrote:

    in reply to: Quiz time #11211
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    On Sunday, October 3, 2021, 05:30:33 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <webmaster@skysoaring.com> wrote:

    in reply to: Sunday 9-19 #11172
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    Reading John Lincoln’s encounter with corn leaves I did what probably no one else did and that was have a corn leaf wrap itself around the right wing of my HP11-A. It stayed with me for the entire flight but fell off after my landing’s full stop. It was a beautiful October fall day some time in the late 70’s.

    Karl Landl

    On Saturday, September 25, 2021, 08:41:07 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <webmaster@skysoaring.com> wrote:

    ##-If you want to reply, type it above this line-##

    New reply posted by Kevin Sheridan.
    Topic title: Reply To: Sunday 9-19


    in reply to: Weekday operations #10720
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    Not Aviation related at all!

    I came to the field yesterday with the idea to look at my trailer and how safely it is still tied down. To my surprise I noticed that debris like cinder blocks, plywood and sod was dumped right next to my trailer’s front. The pieces of sod came from a newly created trailer tie down area next to mine to the east. Please do not use my tie down area as a dumping ground!


    in reply to: The week ahead #10587
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    I will be out for the cook out and will bring along some kind of cake.


    in reply to: clarification please – Emergency Notification #10138
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    WOW! With all these regulations I’m afraid to show up! Am I allowed to use my favorite hand mower to cut the grass around the trailers which I had done for many, many years about 3x a season? I miss the days like when I made a flight in a 1-26 in Colorado with nobody even asking for my pilot’s license. (true story, 1972)

    in reply to: Last Warm Weather Flying This Week #9504
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    While picking up my trailer yesterday I accidentally drove into a cinder block that was left behind by my neighbor damaging my front suspension. The repair cost? $950.00!!! My word to all trailer owners: Please clean up your tie-down area after you removed your trailers! Don’t leave all your blocks behind! I had enough of this season!


    in reply to: Runway grading #9423
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    Why not use some of the soil from along the north side of the runway and by doing that widening it a little to fill in the ditch? The ditch is waiting for an accident!

    in reply to: Blessings #9308
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    Dear members of SSI:

    I would like to thank all the great members of our club who called me, sent emails, expressing their concern about my well being following my horrific accident a little over a week ago. All I can say is that I am doing extremely well and all my bruises are gone. In fact nobody ever asked me like: Hey, what happened to your forehead etc. What I really feel bad about is damaging our 2-33 Pumpkin rendering it useless for the rest of the season. I hope it will come back soon. Maybe I’m just a lucky being having been born 13th out of 13 children. Right now I don’t know what my future will be like.

    Thank you again for all of your concerns for my well being. It is very much appreciated!



    in reply to: Weekday operations #9076
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    Will there be an operation tomorrow, Thursday 8/13 ? I may come out.


    in reply to: How about Thursday 8/6 #9015
    Karl LandlKarl Landl

    I will be out today Friday 8/7 hoping to be able to fly my glider. Karl

Viewing 12 posts - 25 through 36 (of 73 total)