Michael Palmer

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Last Call – Holiday Dinner #14457
    Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

    Jeff, did you get the request for 2 spots for Mike Palmer? Thank you!

    in reply to: Last Call – Holiday Dinner #14452
    Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

    Please put Mike Palmer down for 2. Thank you and sorry for the super late response, I could have sworn it said November 11th!

    in reply to: Flying Sunday October 22nd!!!!! #14359
    Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

    Wish you could have too John! The boys did great and I liked being on the other side of the bucket!

    Sent from my iPhone

    in reply to: Flying Sunday October 22nd!!!!! #14354
    Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

    I only caught Trigg’s flight so no pictures of DJ on my camera, but big congrats to both boys on a huge accomplishment! And thanks to the instructors, primarily Mark and Gary, with assistance from Don and John Scott, perhaps others as well, and to Nick for all those tows!PS-The last picture is one of what I like to see at Sky Soaring. The tow plane taking off with glider in tow, the other 2-33 about to be pulled into position, and the Krozno and a private glider waiting in line for their turn. A pretty great fall day at the airport!

    in reply to: Saturday and Sunday 10-7 & 8 #14279
    Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

    The Palmer’s are hoping to make it a big weekend of flying, Saturday, Sunday, and if some people have the Monday off, that day as well. We will be prepared to fly, wing run, and help where we can.


    in reply to: Krozno Damage #14274
    Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

    Will sky soaring have an operation going on next Monday since it’s a holiday?

    (Apologies for not starting its own subject email…on a phone overseas and I’m technologically challenged) Mike

    Sent from my iPhone

    in reply to: Condor Soaring Simulator Survey #14196
    Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

    -I think the simulator would definitely be a good training aid for student pilots, especially younger ones. I recognize my bias on this angle, having two kids learning to fly.-I think the simulator would be an excellent tool for the spring recurrent training for ALL pilots, an easy way to make the first couple actual flights more productive, especially with things like simulated rope breaks and other emergencies sometimes too dangerous to do in the actual glider.-On a day like last Sunday, when many people were waiting on the tow plane to either be fixed or go home, a simulator might have made for a productive day for several. The same could happen while waiting for wind to die down, or rain to pass.-It may be a good way to ’test fly’ some different types of gliders, or to learn to fly with mountain wave, or ridge line lift without leaving Illinois.

    -Without having used this type of simulator before, I do have hundreds of hours in other simulators and can attest without hesitation that simulator training is valuable beyond measure for at least military and airline flying.

    On the flip side…-Rich’s comments about where to put it are difficult to dispute. I don’t know the space available as well as most here, but could loft space be built somewhere?-It is a further burden on some already busy instructors. I would probably back whatever decision they made regarding the investment.-Even at 50% off, $2500 is real money to a small club, and there may be members who have zero desire to use one.

    Overall, I am in favor of at least further exploration of getting a simulator, but will back the decision of the board or membership if it comes to a vote.

    Mike Palmer

    in reply to: Sunday August 6th flying #14000
    Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

    I will be at the field late morning or early afternoon with Trigg, and Brynn may be able to join a bit later!

Viewing 8 posts - 13 through 20 (of 20 total)