John Baker

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  • in reply to: Instructor Zoom Meeting Tuesday #13694
    John BakerJohn Baker

    Unfortunately Michael V. and I will be taking our required Annual Rep Training tonight…  – Thanks, JohnJohn Baker

    in reply to: Paul Letorneau #12712
    John BakerJohn Baker

    Paul was “Captain” of the L-23 back when a member would take lead responsibility of one of our aircraft. I cannot imagine a Sky Soaring when I joined without Paul and the L-23 he brought with from his old club. Even when “Aircraft Captains” faded away, Paul was still there on assembly day to look after the L-23 and it’s assembly and I always respected that and deferred to him on questions. He was one of those behind the scenes that did a lot for Sky Soaring and will be missed…John Baker

    Past President & Past Flight Chair

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Sep 18, 2022, at 5:08 PM, SSI <> wrote:


    in reply to: 2022 Spring Safety Meeting #11666
    John BakerJohn Baker

    Don,I should be able to do a slot for the Spring Safety meeting.Please let me know if you would like me to get Wings credit for the club.I was just able to just get approved John DeRosa’s upcoming CLGC meeting for Wings Credit:


     – Thanks, John

    John Baker
    John BakerJohn Baker
    Last call for changes, the FAA has asked me to close the seminar/the window for assigning credit for our Spring Safety Seminar:

      – Thanks, John
    John BakerJohn Baker
    Credit was given to the email address the club provided for you.  Once you

     open an account with that email address you will see the credited activity.

    The following email addresses the club provide did not have a matching Wings/FAASafety Account (including yours):


    in reply to: Instructor & Tow Pilot Credits #10060
    John BakerJohn Baker

    Given that we have not had a regularly scheduled monthly Saturday meeting since this change (“Instructor & Tow Pilot Credits”) was announced, can we have this topic put on the agenda for discussion prior to the start of the Safety portion of the March Monthly meeting?
    – Thanks, John

    John Baker

    in reply to: Engine Rebuild Fund #9602
    John BakerJohn Baker

    As with any decision of this magnitude, the board should
    consider the current economic client and the effect/unintended consequences
    it could have on membership.

     If enough decide that $400 is more than they can afford and
    go inactive for a year, it may not produce the desired amount for the rebuild fund and
    also negatively impact flight revenue in 2021…

     My two cents…

      – John

    John Baker

    in reply to: Fly Wednesday #7122
    John BakerJohn Baker

    Wednesday Recap…
    Yesterday we flew the Lark on aerotow on a sunny day with slowly developing

    We had (at least) seven flights that included 6 different CFI’S at one end
    of the rope or the other including; Don Grillo, Larry Kase, Michael Vaughn,
    Steve Snyder, Tim Ponsot and John Baker.

    There were instructional flights, CAP Annual Form 5 Check Flights and a bit
    of thermaling including getting 600 feet above release height and having a
    30 minute flight off a 2,000 ft tow.

    The wind direction was right down the runway, and it provided good practice
    for tightening up the pattern for a headwind on final that was a bit
    stronger then usual…

    It made for a nice relaxing way to play hooky from an afternoon of work…

    Thank you to those who came out and mowed and helped out around the field.
    -Thanks again, John

    John Baker

    in reply to: Internet Speed Increase! #6083
    John BakerJohn Baker

    It also works with the iPhone app at dusk, I use vMEye (which has an ad line above the pic)…

    Sent from my iPhone

    Attached images:

    in reply to: Thursday Operations Planning! #4734
    John BakerJohn Baker

    I was able to clear my work schedule.  Plan to be out around 10…

    – Thanks, John

    John Baker


    in reply to: Last Weekend Flying and Scrap Pile #4405
    John BakerJohn Baker

    I was at the airport Sunday morning. No flying was being done.

    The water tank was still by the junk pile when I left just prior to 11am.
    – Thanks John

    John Baker

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