John DeRosa

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  • in reply to: REMINDER – Mandatory Safety Meeting Saturday Oct 10 #9382
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    <div><span style=”font-size: x-large;”>=========</span></div>
    <div dir=”ltr”><span style=”font-size: x-large;”><b>ZOOM Web Meeting Information</b> <br clear=”none” /></span></div>
    <div dir=”ltr”><span style=”font-size: x-large;”>—————-</span></div>
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    <div class=”ydpcdd1673byiv4598873919ydpbda8ec58pasted-link”><br clear=”none” />Topic: Sky Soaring Meeting with the Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF)<br clear=”none” />Time: Oct 10, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time<br clear=”none” /><br clear=”none” />Join Zoom Meeting Link (Copy and Paste into a Browser)<br clear=”none” />
    <div dir=”ltr”>Zoom conferencing software should automatically be installed.  It can be downloaded from</div>
    <br clear=”none” />Meeting ID: 868 5787 3350<br clear=”none” />Passcode: 814524<br clear=”none” />One tap mobile<br clear=”none” />+13126266799,,86857873350#,,,,,,0#,,814524# US (Chicago)<br clear=”none” /><br clear=”none” />Dial by your location<br clear=”none” />        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)<br clear=”none” />Meeting ID: 868 5787 3350<br clear=”none” />Passcode: 814524<br clear=”none” />Find your local number:</div>

    in reply to: Mandatory Safety Meeting #9364
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) presenter has asked us not to record the presentation.


    Everyone’s best option to attend this presentation is to be at the hangar no later than 10AM on Saturday, Oct 10.  The hangar will be cleared of most equipment and we will set up chairs for social distancing.  Be sure to bring your mask.  It should be good weather on Saturday but cool so we will keep the doors closed and run some heaters.  If you can arrive at 9AM to help with set up this will be most helpful.


    However, we understand that not everyone will be able to attend in person.  Therefore, we will be providing a Zoom meeting link by Friday afternoon via email.  Keep an eye out for it.  To optimize the Zoom meeting video performance we will be temporarily turning off our Wi-Fi system and our security camera system.


    Let me know if you have any questions.


    – John DeRosa

    in reply to: Ops on Fri/Sat? #9328
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    John L – Additional cones seems like a good idea to delineate our safety boundaries.  Why are you thinking of removing them?
    John H DeRosa
    in reply to: Blessings #9312
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    Karl – I have been out of town for two weeks just returning today.  When I
    heard of your incident I was so very worried for your well being and so
    very glad to hear that your injuries were minor.  I immediately thought
    of our talk before I left town about your concerns for your wife and I knew that you would
    be more worried about her than yourself.  Happy that there were many people at the field to get you the help you needed at a critical time.  Things can be replaced but people are the most important in your life when the chips are down.  Take good care of yourself.
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein
    in reply to: LXNav new IGC recorder w/Nav #9234
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    The LXNav Nano 4 is a very cool device.  Certified IGC* recorder with a color display about the size of a deck of cards (display = 3.5″).  Audio vario, terrain maps, thermal assistant, audible airspace warnings, etc.  About $700.
    Here are some other certified IGC recorders;
    Naviter Oudie IGC – About $1100.  Runs SeeYou Mobile.  Largest 5″ display.  Larger battery than the Oudie model 1 or 2 which is the exact same as the official IGC* recorder but just with an unofficial recorder.  The PW-5 has an Oudie 2.  I had an Oudie 2 in my old DG101 and loved the SeeYou Mobile software.
    LXNav Nano 3 – About $600.  Identical in function to the Nano 4 with a smaller “matchbook” color 2.4″ display.  I currently use this as a primary flight recorder and a backup navigation device (if the lights go out in the cockpit).
    LXNavigation Colibri 2 – About $495.  Very similar in function and size to the LXNav Nano 3.
    LXNavigation Colibri X – About $750.  Very similar in function and size to the LXNav Nano 4. 

    There are some other certified IGC recorders for sale on the used market from time to time on  Warning – They go FAST!

    LXNav Nano earlier models – The original did not have a display. Nano 2 is identical to the Nano 3 but with a slower processor and less bright display. 

    LXNavigation Colibri earlier models – The first model did not have a display.  I owned a Colibri II which had a display size like that Nano 1,2,3. 

    * Certified IGC file – Is needed for silver/gold/diamond badge flights, national contests and record setting flights.  Non-IGC certified recorders can be used otherwise.  The difference between IGC and non-IGC recorders is the incorporation of a pressure altitude transducer.  There is free recorder/navigation software available that runs on you phone like XCSoar (  The Oudie model 2 is a very nice standalone non-IGC recorder and moving map display with the same functionality as the Oudie IGC.  About $625 –

    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)

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    in reply to: Any interest in flying on Thursday, Friday #9227
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Wish I could be there on Thursday.  Skysight says lift up to 4300+ with CUs starting at 12:30 and no OD.  I will take a flight on Wednesday and cross my fingers that I will stay up.

    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”- Albert Einstein


    in reply to: Weekend flying Sept. 11-14 #9204
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Darn rain!  I plan to be out on Monday.  Tue/Wed looks flyable also. 

    John H DeRosa

    in reply to: Sunday Aug 30 – A Great Day #9175
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    John L,
    Sorry I didn’t get all your turnpoints written down yesterday.  You rattled them off so fast I got dizzy and dropped my pen. 
    Is all flying in August like this? We can only pray it is so.
    – John D.

    in reply to: Field Maintenance Required #9170
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    I can be there on Wednesday with shovel in hand. We have a flat tamper in the hangar.   I assume later than buying top soil we will find dirt “lying around”.I will also bring out a sprayer but two sprayers will be better if someone has another.
    Time??  9AM??

    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”- Albert Einstein

    in reply to: Do you want a 55 Gallon Plastic Barrel? #9145
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Nice barrels but I am unsure what we might do with these.  Trash cans?  We have quite a few of them already. 

    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”- Albert Einstein

    in reply to: Sunday Aug 16 Operation? #9089
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Also an instructor would be great.

    in reply to: While I was away. #9025
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    The club is indebted to you for your many efforts.  Thank you,

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