John DeRosa

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  • in reply to: A couple maintenance items #10945
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Pete – Many thanks for doing that. Saves electricity, and wear and tear.

    Best Regards
    John DeRosa

    in reply to: Sky Soaring Ground School #10940
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    This type of ground school is a great benefit for *ANYONE* working on ratings.

    Best Regards
    John DeRosa

    in reply to: How about flying Tomorrow 8-19 #10922
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Jim-Bob (Jim Bob? Jimbob?),

    Yes, come on down and tow for us. Many thanks.
    John H DeRosa

    On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 09:43:33 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Weekday operations #10871
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    I contacted Geoff Weck and he can tow but only between 1200-1330 hrs only.  To maximize flights get everyone staged and ready, including the tow plane!

    Best Regards

    John DeRosa

    in reply to: Gerry Sibley #10687
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    Gerry was a good friend to Sky Soaring and an active glider pilot earning a Diamond badge.  He owned a DG-300 and a Vultee BT-13 Valiant. 

    He spent his later years working on the B-29 Superfortress “Doc”.  See for details. 

    I fondly remember his “tool box on wheels” which had a trailer hitch in the rear of the vehicle AND ALSO IN THE FRONT!  This came in useful when moving glider trailers around. 

    John H DeRosa

    On Thursday, April 29, 2021, 5:10:23 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

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    New topic posted by Paul Letourneau.
    Title: General Discussion, Gerry Sibley


    A good friend of Sky Soaring, Gerry Sibley, has passed away, of heart failure.  Gerry was a valuable member of Sky Soaring.  He owned a glass ship and flew it often.  He left Illinois maybe 15 years ago and moved to Oklahoma City.  There he joined a crew working on restoration of a WW11 bomber.  He will be missed.

    Paul Letourneau,  old member

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    in reply to: Flat screen monitor wanted #10676
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    I am unsure if there is a second video port on that computer.  I can check tomorrow.
    John H DeRosa

    On Friday, April 23, 2021, 3:32:02 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

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    New reply posted by Larry Moy.
    Topic title: Reply To: Flat screen monitor wanted


    I happen to have an Acer X203H with a couple others.  Is the system capable of running multiple screens?

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    in reply to: Flat screen monitor wanted #10672
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    Bringing in a working monitor would be great. 
    It is a common problem with LCD monitors (and many electronic devices build between 1999 and 2007) to have start up issues.  This is due to some bad capacitors and is known as the “capacitor plaque” (  Heaven only knows how many devices are in land fill because of this.  You can typically tell the bad capacitors by simply looking for the classic bulge of their end caps.  I have fixed this multiple times on devices and have the parts in stock.  So keep that balky monitor and I will try to fix it to keep as a spare or use it elsewhere.
    John H DeRosa

    On Friday, April 23, 2021, 6:47:51 AM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

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    New topic posted by Don Grillo.
    Title: General Discussion, Flat screen monitor wanted


    Our CPU flat screen in the office has finally bit the dust. If anyone has a flat screen monitor that is lying around collecting dust they would like to donate to the club, please, bring it in.

    Best regards,


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    in reply to: AC power on golf carts #10663
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


    Many thanks for the idea and offer.  You have made many innovative things for the club over the years.  One important one is the tie-down anchor installer which is why having portable AC power is important. 

    How about making your inverter setup standalone with “jumper cables” on it?  Then, when needed we could pull up someone’s vehicle, open the hood, and draw power from our cars/trucks battery.  But we would **NEVER** want to do that temporary hookup to our DC powered golf carts as it would be far too easy to attach the cables to the wrong place and “let the smoke out” as they say.

    Thanks again.
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

    On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 2:36:20 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

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    New reply posted by Don Grillo.
    Topic title: Reply To: AC power on golf carts


    Hi Greg, I will have to agree with Andy, our golf carts are pretty much on their last legs. Andy has done a lot of work to keep them going. I don’t really think it is necessary to install an inverter on one. We do have a generator.

    — Don
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    in reply to: Flight Bag/Luggage Tags #10650
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Sign me up for one!  Nick was telling me on Sunday about a machinery class he is taking in high school where he gets to make things using CNC.  This must be one.  Cool! 

    Best Regards

    John DeRosa

    ##- If you want to reply, type it above this line -##

    New topic posted by Nick Legenza. Title:
    General Discussion,
    Flight Bag/Luggage Tags


    I am in the process of designing custom luggage tags with the Sky Soaring logo. If anyone wants one for their flight bag or luggage let me know and I’ll make one.

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    in reply to: Accident at Sky Soaring #10638
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Dear SSI Members,


    I have heard via text from Kevin Sheridan that he is now at a rehabilitation center and told me, “I seem to be feeling better now.  Have quite a few appointments.  Long road ahead.”  We all wish Kevin our best wishes and our fervent hope for a quick recovery.


    Due to this unfortunate accident Sky Soaring’s liability insurance carrier has engaged a Chicago area attorney on our club’s behalf to help provide advice and to assist Sky Soaring’s interests. The Sky Soaring Board of Directors has been working closely with this attorney and are responding to his requests as they arise.


    Here are some key directives from Sky Soaring’s attorney;  All physical items related to the accident (e.g. winch equipment, glider, etc.) are to be kept secured and should not be disturbed or handled in any manner at this time without permission from our attorney. Also, please bear in mind that your interests as a SSI member are also being represented by our attorney. We thus recommend that you discuss with our attorney any information about the accident which you believe to be pertinent and also that you do not speculate or conjecture about the accident with anyone. Members of our club who did not actually witness the accident should refrain from speculating about what happened and not share comments about what they heard happened.

    Please contact myself directly via phone or email if you have any input, questions, or comments.


    Thank You,

    John DeRosa
    President, Sky Soaring Glider Club

    in reply to: Accident at Sky Soaring #10536
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    I understand that in the last few days that Kevin Sheridan has had surgery on his knee.  I don’t have any further information.


    Over the weekend Sky Soaring was visited at the airport by a representation of an attorney’s office that is representing Kevin.  We were provided with a document asking for us to keep all relevant documentation.  Our insurance company has been informed.


    At this point it is important that Sky Soaring’ membership does not communicate with any non-governmental organization, or individual, unless directed by our insurance company.  In the case of governmental organizations you should not offer information unless you were a direct witness to this unfortunate accident.  It is important to factually answer the questions asked without offering opinion.


    Going forward if you are contacted by anyone concerning this unfortunate accident, please provide the who/what/where information to a member of the board.


    Thank You,

    John DeRosa

    President, SSI



    in reply to: Accident at Sky Soaring #10530
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    I haven’t written to you as yet about this accident waiting for the emotions to settle down. This is terrible in many ways and especially so for our fellow members Steve Synder and Kevin Sheridan.


    As you know Kevin is in the hospital with injuries, the most serious as I understand it is to his knee. I have spoken with Kevin’s brother Terry who has been giving me updates. Kevin had surgery yesterday which Terry told me went, “Good”. I did leave a voice mail for Kevin two days ago and got a middle of the night reply saying there was a lot of pain. Terry says that at this time Kevin doesn’t desire visitors plus there are Covid-19 restrictions. Today I left Kevin a short text message to say we all are thinking about him. Kevin may be in the hospital for an extended stay so if you can send him a card or letter I know that he would appreciate it.


    Advocate Sherman Hospital
    Room 41124
    1425 North Randall Rd
    Elgin, IL 60123


    Steve was discharged from the hospital after that accident and is recovering at home. Lots of bruises with many aches and pains.


    While I am in Minnesota with Don Grillo, Vice President John Osborne has been handling things at the field with the help of John Lincoln and Jim Hopkins. Contact any of the board with your questions.


    Obviously, the FAA, NTSB and our insurance company have all been notified and the investigation by the NTSB has started.


    Safety has been the overreaching topic and direction this year at Sky Soaring.  Just yesterday I sat through a very instructive presentation on glider accidents and it was very difficult to listen to the statistics which we have just added to. I wish I could tell you how this terrible accident will impact our club in the short and the long term. What may change? Will the club survive? I will try to keep you up to date with what I know as I know it.


    Please keep Kevin and Steve in your thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery.


    John DeRosa
    President, Sky Soaring Glider Club

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