Don Grillo

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Viewing 12 posts - 397 through 408 (of 474 total)
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  • in reply to: Saturday Flying #7073
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    I’m not available Saturday for towing. I’ll be in Beloit with Gary inspecting the Pawnee. 

    — Don 

    On Aug 23, 2019, at 14:02, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Thursday flying #7030
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Thursdays forecast is still looking
    good. Will need a tow pilot and wing runner for a 1 pm launch. 
    Who is going to fly tomorrow?


    in reply to: Let's fly Monday #6974
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Steve Snyder is an instructor and
    will be at the field, I will be out to tow or instruct if we
    have multiple tow pilots.


    in reply to: Membership Meeting #6937
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Maintenance Report:
    Gary and I will be getting the carburetor swap complete on the C-182 and then do a run-up to make sure we have no leaks. If all checks out, the tow plane will be available for tows by early afternoon Saturday.

    The Lark radio is reported to be garbled when transmitting. SSI policy states there is to be no winch launching without the use of an operable push-to-talk radio.  So until it is repaired, aero-tows only. Take a hand held radio with you.

    The PW-5 is down for some fiberglass repair work on the lower fuselage due to a weak link break.

    The Green Golf cart will not go into reverse. Seems to be a switch problem.

    If you see something that needs repair, please report it to Don Grillo in person or send an email to or my cell is 630.303.2871

    in reply to: Sunday Flying #6923
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Don Grillo will be out there late morning.

    in reply to: Fly on Friday #6845
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    I’m planning on being there on Sat. I would be intersted in doing some
    winch training, or I can tow if needed.


    in reply to: Saturday June 29th Flight Ops #6559
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Dan, with the high temp today of 96, it would not be safe to operate. The heat index will be over 100. Tomorrow is looking the same. Sunday and Monday are looking good. Lets try for flight ops then.

    .EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM CDT SATURDAY… * HIGH TEMPERATURES….95 to 98 degrees today and Saturday. * MAXIMUM HEAT INDICES…110 to 117 degrees today and around 110 degrees Saturday. * IMPACTS…The cumulative effects of temperatures and heat index values this high could lead to heat related illnesses with prolonged exposure. Those without air conditioning…

    in reply to: Looking for SGS 1-34 manual and Club Quiz #6548
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Denny, I have published the 1-34R flight manual in the SSI Files/Doc section of the website. I will look for a quiz when I am out at the field today. If I find one I will get it posted on the website.

    in reply to: Monday interest? #6501
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    Steve, I can come out today as well. Winds will be out of the south west today so, expect in East operation. Forecast is calling for some gusts up to 22 kts. 

    — Don 

    On Jul 14, 2019, at 19:41, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Friday 7-12 Flying? #6468
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    I can come out and assist in any
    department.?? Below is the SkySight forecast for Friday.?? A cold
    front is suppose to pass through the Chi area in the early hours
    of Thursday morning bringing some slightly cooler temps with
    it.?? Friday is forecast to be a blue day with Thermal Strength
    in the 3-4 kt range and Soarable Height to about 4000 MSL. Winds
    will be light.

    in reply to: Let's fly Monday! #6438
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    I can lend a hand Steve. 

    — Don 

    On Jul 6, 2019, at 20:13, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Saturday June 29th Flight Ops #6383
    Don GrilloDon Grillo

    I’ll be out there around 10ish.


Viewing 12 posts - 397 through 408 (of 474 total)