Forum Replies Created
John DeRosa
ParticipantLarry – Thanks for the report. We now have all of our instructors “checked out” which is something we implemented just this year. It is part of an effort for all the instructors to work closely together to provide the best coordinated instruction.I have a few comments about yesterday’s operation – some simple advice but one critical.
We are doing a better job of clearing the active runway as quickly as we can. Before the golf cart shows up it is important to try to rotate the glider’s wings parallel to the runway or pull/push the glider off the runway. Pretty easy for the 2-33, not so much for the Krosno.There are several ways to sign up for a flight. The simplest is to use the signup sheet when you arrive at the field adding what you would like to do (fun, XC, training, etc). The GSO should help to get everyone on the list a chance to fly.We had some good flights yesterday for this time of the year – high altitudes and of long duration. If people are waiting it is OK for those on the ground to use our radios to ask those in the air when they are planning to land. At the one (1) hour mark those in the air should be proactive and call “is anyone waiting?”. Long duration, and cross country flights, should be limited to single place ships.Lastly, I witnessed an argument yesterday. This is NEVER appropriate at our club. A calm and polite conversation to resolve an issue is always best. Raised voices can quickly become destructive. It simply will not be tolerated for the long term good of our club. Members may loose their membership for being repeatedly disruptive.If you have an issue that needs resolution please bring it to the board of directors attention at“See something, Say something”John H DeRosaPresident, Sky Soaring Board of DirectorsOn Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 09:08:27 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:
New topic posted by Larry Kase. Thursday Success, In General Discussion forum.
Strong lift conditions today at SSI. Top of the lift was 8300msl. Lawrence Nicolae set a PR, over 2 hrs in Stars & Stripes. Baker and Mallamo completed their Spring checkout. I gave Mark a multiple malfunction approach, altimeter inop, spoiler inop. He completed it with an accuracy landing in the Krasno.
Will Robertson got in a couple of flights in the 2-33.
Many thanks to John Scott for providing the tows.
Larry KaseUnsubscribe from this Topic;
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John DeRosa
ParticipantJohn S – thanks!
Best Regards,
John H DeRosaJohn DeRosa
ParticipantI can be out there to help. Do we have a tow pilot?John H DeRosaOn Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 11:19:20 AM CDT, SSI <> wrote:
New topic posted by John Lincoln. Thursday May 4th, In General Discussion forum.
Thursday May 4th is looking like a fairly nice day to fly. Lift 3.5 Kts. to 4200 AGL. Wind at 2 to 4 Kts. Cu’s from 1:30 until 5:30. Any interest out there?
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John DeRosa
You are correct. The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) keeps the details of their site surveys private.Following the Spring Safety Meeting in March the SSI Board sat down for several hours with the SSF (Burt Compton and Ron Ridenour) to get the details of their thoughts and findings. This happened again on April 14th when Ron Ridenour was on site as a member of the SSF. Ron held a great discussion with the instructors who were on site that day. And we will do more tomorrow with Ron as he watches our operation. These surveys are always very informative. Can you be there to hear what Ron might have to say afterwards?Note that Costello and AIG are aware that the SSF was planning a site survey as this came up during my face-to-face meeting with them. I feel that this knowledge is important for AIG to realize our sincerity.Finally, as part of Sky Soaring’s report to Costello/AIG we will talk about what our past, and ongoing, safety changes are – some of which are based on the SSF’s suggestions. Much of this has been talked about in emails, and at membership meetings (and meeting minutes).The board will definitely release this “AIG” report to the SSI membership so everyone is on the same page.John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert EinsteinOn Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 02:31:05 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:
John DeRosa
ParticipantThe Soaring Safety Foundation will be on site Wednesday to complete their “Site Survey”.This survey is very important to Sky Soaring in support of the renewal of our insurance. Please plan on coming out on Wednesday to help.If you haven’t completed your spring checkout this is a great time to get it done!Thanks,John H DeRosa
PresidentOn Monday, April 24, 2023 at 08:25:16 AM CDT, SSI <> wrote:
New topic posted by Don Grillo. Weekday Flying, In General Discussion forum.
We will try again this Wednesday, April 26, to have a weekday operation. Weather is looking good with scattered clouds and light winds out of the northeast and high temp of 55. We can work on spring checkouts and do some flying as well. See you out at the field.
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John DeRosa
The SSF Site Survey operation planned for tomorrow, April 19, has been cancelled due to Ron Ridenour having a family emergency.
Best Regards,
John H DeRosaJohn DeRosa
ParticipantWith thanks to Mike Vaughn I was able to complete my Flight Review today using the FAA WINGS program.The FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program “…is based on the
premise that pilots who maintain currency and proficiency in the basics
of flight will enjoy a safer and more stress-free flying experience…”.This is my second consecutive Flight Review using the WINGS program. Sky Soaring’s recurring activities helped me along the way. Our Spring Checkout flights gave me credit towards the three CFIG flights that I needed. Then our Spring Safety Meetings counted towards the three seminars that I needed to attend.Spreading these activities over the course of two years makes Flight Reviews through WINGS the best way to go. Just visit to get started.– John DeRosaOn Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 06:39:42 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:
Reply To: Membership Meeting Sat Apr 15 From Rich Walenda, [General Discussion Forum]
We had the meeting at 9 am and received a status of the club. No earth shattering news but some good information as to the status of club finances, gliders, and safety. It was worth it to attend. We then got 4 flights in before the wind and rain. CFI Mike Vaughn conducted the 4 Wings flights for 2 members. Not a bad start for this year. Mr. Scott towed. Many other small projects were done, including towing out the balloon trailer to a safer location and work on the hangar radio antenna. See you next time.
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John DeRosa
ParticipantJohn – This is a limitation of the system when replying through the web site. As far as I know there is no option to include previous comments on the thread. While the title is shown in the email you receive you must log into the site to see the entire history.
Denny – This forum message was begun Steve Snyder. You may want to reach out to him directly with your questions.
Thanks, John DeRosa
John DeRosa
One quick important comment.
Ron Ridenour mentioned to me the importance of all gliders must land and come to a COMPLETE STOP between the threshold markers.
Please DO NOT overrun the west end of the runway into the “overrun” area unless absolutely necessary. Ron will be watching for this.
Previously we have rolled into the overrun area as a “convenience”. Ron harps on always choosing the safe method and not to use a convenience just to save some time – it can be dangerous.
Thank you for all your efforts.
John DeRosa, President
John DeRosa
Pilot’s renters insurance (known as “Non-Owners Insurance”) will “work” for Sky Soaring and it has done so in the recent past. This was a policy purchased through Costello Insurance and underwritten by Global Insurance. Not very expensive.Going forward all member aviation insurance policies such as a renters policy, and also private ship owners’ mandated policies, needs to include “Sky Soaring Glider Club” as a “Named Party” (I believe that this is the correct term). There is no additional cost to adding Sky Soaring to these policies. At my next renewal I will also do this.Thank you.John H DeRosaPresident, SSI BODOn Friday, March 31, 2023 at 08:11:15 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:
John DeRosa
ParticipantIf you were not able to attend last Saturday’s mandatory safety meeting (in person or via Zoom) you can now see the recording at Many thanks to Lawrence <span class=”u_b en_0 c1AVi73_6FsP c1AVi7H_6LEV C4_Z29WjXl” data-test-id=”message-from”><span class=”D_F rtlI_dz_sSg” data-test-id=”email-pill”>Nicolae </span></span>for recording our safety meeting.
Once you have completed watching the safety meeting please confirm this with Jim Hopkins and note this on your “Blue Book” form.
Thank you, John DeRosa
John DeRosa
Participant<div class=”bbp-reply-content”>
REMINDER – There will be a raffle for a Soaring Society of America logo “soft shell” jacket at the SSI Safety Meeting.
Perfect for spring time. But you must attend the meeting in person to be eligible to win!
See you tomorrow.