John DeRosa

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  • in reply to: The week ahead #11338
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    Pick a day (other than a Thursday) and I will be there to help with disassembly.
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

    On Friday, November 5, 2021, 10:20:05 AM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Fence Post Driver? #11323
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    John P,

    Standard sized width (1″?). It has a “T” shaped cross section, not the round kind. How can I get it from you?
    John H DeRosa

    On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, 04:35:05 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Work Crew for Saturday #11305
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    We’ll be working in the south brush areas, not in the regraded bare dirt area. And it should be dry today. Come on out. Work is good for the soul.

    Best Regards,
    John DeRosa
    in reply to: 1-26 Nationals 2021 #11277
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    Good video. Thanks to Jim Bob for his dancing lessons.
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)

    On Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 05:58:15 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Private Glider Owners – Mice! #11268
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    I should have mentioned that it wasn’t just me mowing on Saturday.  Nope.  Greg Tomczyk was mowing the main runway and started way before me and was still going at it when I left.


    Another operation was Don Grillo and John Lincoln moving dirt to make the runway’s northern border smoother and wider.


    Thanks to all that help in large ways and small,


    in reply to: Sunday #11263
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    Hugh congratulations for Animesh and Paul. You will always remember your first solo!
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

    On Sunday, October 17, 2021, 06:02:42 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: For those of you with transponders #11223
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


    Thanks for that info. I liked the phrase, “gliders often have very unique flight profiles”.
    That we do!

    – John
    in reply to: Sunday 9-19 #11148
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    When I flew with Greg Palmer last week we saw some corn leaves around 8000′. Great thermal markers. Amazing that when these leaves exit the rear of the combine during harvest time they can get that high. Talk about a “low save”.
    I also saw a flock of soaring broad-winged hawks during their migration. I’ve soared with a bald eagle, many solo red-tailed hawks, turkey vultures, some pelicans, and other smaller soaring birds. They are even better thermal markers than corn leaves as the birds sometimes outline the boundaries of the thermal for me. I’d like to find a flock of Sandhill Cranes to soar with. Then again they flock in the 100’s together and have 6 foot wingspans so maybe not a good idea.
    Inline image

    picture of a board-winged hawk
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)

    On Monday, September 20, 2021, 10:55:50 AM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Labor Day Monday #11033
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    I will be flying my glider and Greg Palmer said he would be out.
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

    On Sunday, September 5, 2021, 07:17:07 PM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: Labor Day Weekend #11029
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Reminder about the cookout on Sunday. Should be a good day of flying too!

    Sky Soaring will provide the ice, charcoal, meat, and the drinks. A nominal charge
    per person will be requested.

    Everyone else please bring something to pass around. Cookies, salads, baklava, etc, etc.

    Best Regards
    John DeRosa

    Great idea! Let’s get a cookout going for Sunday, September 5th. Long range forecast looks decent.
    Sky Soaring will provide the ice, charcoal, meat, and the drinks. A nominal charge per person will be requested.
    Everyone else please bring something to pass around. Chips, cookies, salads, baklava, etc, etc.
    John H DeRosa

    On Sunday, August 29, 2021, 09:43:24 AM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    in reply to: This weekend… and beyond #11018
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    I will be out around 10am to do some work. I have some ground stakes to tie down the barn’s plastic floor. I think that the plastic is already
    at the field.

    Best Regards
    John DeRosa

    in reply to: Labor Day Weekend #10977
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    Great idea! Let’s get a cookout going for Sunday, September 5th. Long range forecast looks decent.
    Sky Soaring will provide the ice, charcoal, meat, and the drinks. A nominal charge per person will be requested.
    Everyone else please bring something to pass around. Chips, cookies, salads, baklava, etc, etc.
    John H DeRosa

    On Sunday, August 29, 2021, 09:43:24 AM CDT, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

Viewing 12 posts - 145 through 156 (of 274 total)