Art Silverman

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: SSI Website down for MX Monday Tuesday #10191
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman
    Thank you for all your hard work

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Sky Soaring <>
    Sent: Thu, Mar 4, 2021 8:44 am
    Subject: [Sky Soaring] General Discussion, Reply To: SSI Website down for MX Monday Tuesday

    in reply to: Chicagoland Glider Council Seminar Feb 27th #10185
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman
    Are we having our monthly membership meeting on Saturday?

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Sky Soaring <>
    Sent: Wed, Feb 17, 2021 8:05 pm
    Subject: [Sky Soaring] New topic: General Discussion, Chicagoland Glider Council Seminar Feb 27th

    in reply to: Winch survey #9888
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman
    There should be a whole separate discussion around how we safely operate the winch if we proceed in that direction.”????

    We have been safely operating the winch.
    What makes you think otherwise??

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Sky Soaring <>
    Sent: Fri, Jan 15, 2021 12:36 pm
    Subject: [Sky Soaring] General Discussion, Reply To: Winch survey
    in reply to: Constitutional issues #9870
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman
    This needs to be discussed at our membership meeting on Saturday. 

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Sky Soaring <>
    Sent: Thu, Jan 14, 2021 2:38 pm
    Subject: [Sky Soaring] General Discussion, Reply To: Constitutional issues
    in reply to: Important Financial Update #9847
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman

    We intend to have a safer operation this year than any other year.  This needs to be our goal every year. Statistics show that winching is safer than towing.  Had Karl used a winch to lauch his glider, he would have been hundres of feet in the air before his incident.

    Our private ship owners have not used the winch.  I hope to this summer.  However, our students have used it extensively two years ago.  Last year was a fluke.  Students who use the winch for pattern tow do many more landings before they solo than a student who only uses a tow plane.  This makes the student a safer pilot.

    If we were desperate I’d understand why the board would consider selling the winch or a glider, but our club is not short of cash.  We have plenty coming in from dues and fight fees.  Our debt is approaching an all time low – winch is paid off, the mower and field not will be paid off this year.  The money which went to those items can be re-directed into the engine fund withoug sacraficing safety, nor selling the winch or a glider.

    We need to figure out how to better use the winch, not sell it.  I’m willing to be the “Winch Cooridnator” ins 2021.


    in reply to: Mule repair #9695
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman
    Under the car there are generally four lines.  Two fuel lines and two gas lines.  These lines are never available from a dealer, or parts store.  I have installed dozens of them, and we make them from bulk tubing.  This is a simple job when the are is on a lift, but much more difficult if you have to work from a creeper. 

    The brake lines and fuel lines use the same material. The parts are cheap, and they don’t take long to replace.  I’ve suggested that we bring the car to a mechanic and have them do the repairs.  I estimate the repair at $200 to $250.

    Otherwise this car is working well. 

    I hope that this car is brought to a local mechanic for an estimate BEFORE we decide to discard it and buy anther vehicle whose condition is unknown.

    PS: I would do it for the club at my shop, but the cost of towing the car to Chicago and back would exceed the price of having the car repaired locally.
    —–Original Message—–
    From: Sky Soaring <>
    Sent: Fri, Dec 4, 2020 12:11 pm
    Subject: [Sky Soaring] General Discussion, Reply To: Mule repair
    in reply to: Mule repair #9668
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman
    I don’t remember, but it should use a 3/16 fuel/brake line. 

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Sky Soaring <>
    Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2020 11:01 am
    Subject: [Sky Soaring] Reply To: Mule repair
    in reply to: Deleted #9335
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman

    Maybe we can swap the tow hook from pumpkin onto stars and stripes.

    Sent from my iPhone

    in reply to: Weekend flying Sept. 11-14 #9211
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman

    I will also be out today.  I have booked the Krosno for on hour because I need a flight review.  I hope an instructor and tow pilot can come out today.
    —–Original Message—–

    From: Sky Soaring <>


    Sent: Sat, Sep 12, 2020 12:43 pm

    Subject: [Sky Soaring] Reply To: Weekend flying Sept. 11-14

    in reply to: illinois RealID Deadline Oct 1, 2020 #7638
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman

    Tomorrow may be cold but I’d like to do some winches. Does anyone else want to join me?

    Sent from my iPhone

    in reply to: Sunday Flying #7565
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman

    Students… Today should be an excellent day for training.  Please come out and joins us.I’ll be there around 11 to fly, run the winch, whatever is necessary.ArtPS I’ll be there around 11.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Sky Soaring <>
    To: Arthurttu

    in reply to: Saturday Meeting #7517
    Art SilvermanArt Silverman

    See you at Allens Corner.Anyone else??

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Sky Soaring <>
    To: Arthurttu

Viewing 12 posts - 49 through 60 (of 111 total)