Tim Ponsot

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Viewing 12 posts - 37 through 48 (of 87 total)
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  • in reply to: Engine Rebuild Fund #9587
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    At the risk of sounding like a dissenting opinion I have a few questions here.

    $400 a year represents an almost 50% increase in dues for most people whose livelihoods and wages are impacted by a pandemic.

    As an instructor here I have worked very hard to earn the credits for my dues because I know the combination of graduate school and the reality of life in 2020 might make discretionary spending an untenable luxury.

    I know of many members who just joined this year, some of whom I train. They feel that some of the maintenance problems we’ve experienced have caused too many aircraft to be unavailable. Paying $900 for broken aircraft every year has made many rethink the wisdom of joining this club, and a financial burden of this size would likely push them further in this direction away from us.

    For your first move as a new board to be demanding an increase in dues by almost 50% sets a strong precedent that I’m not sure you fully understand the implications of.

    in reply to: Fly Wednesday? #9575
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    What time ya want to start Nick?

    in reply to: Fly Wednesday? #9570
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    Hi All-

    Looks like the forecast is now calling for 20 knot crosswinds out of the South. At 2,000 feet that number is 40 knots, also out of the South. I don’t think our poor old 2-33 did anything to deserve that kind of abuse so I’ll retract my plans to fly today 🙁



    in reply to: to waste a nice day to fly? #9530
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    I’ll be out to drive the winch today. The corn is down and we can do 2,000 foot launches for ten bucks!

    in reply to: Runway grading #9420
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    You guys need to think bigger. Grooved concrete runway with full approach lighting and CATIII ILS or go home

    in reply to: Wednesday Ops? #9296
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    Aerotow ops to begin around 1 for those interested



    in reply to: Winch Ops Tues 9/22 #9254
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    Hi Larry-

    Yes, winch training is some of the most cost and time effective training you can receive. You get quick repetition practicing takeoff, approach and landing for $15 a pop. It’s a fantastic training tool that I wish we used more often.



    in reply to: Winch Ops Tues 9/22 #9253
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot
    • Hi Larry-
    in reply to: Winch Ops Friday #9189
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    Hi Mike-It is. Just running a little late myself. I hope to be there by 3. Sorry for the delaysCheers
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    in reply to: New members? #8963
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    He did good 😎

    in reply to: Thursday July 30 #8956
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    Yeah, we’re planning on doing some winching starting right after the balloon flights (0930 ish). Lots of people who wanted to come couldn’t make it and we’re trying to give those of you who have a checkride coming lots and lots of cheap pattern work 🙂



    in reply to: New member #8932
    Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

    I grabbed him or a friend of his off the center of route 20 last fall by putting some wood from a barricade in front of him and…CHOMP!

    There was a really deep dent in the wood in the shape of his mouth when he let go in the creek and swam away.

Viewing 12 posts - 37 through 48 (of 87 total)