Any interest in flying tomorrow Thursday July 14th?
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I’m game for flying tomorrow if we can have ops
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Anyone up for Allen’s corners diner at 9:00?
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I would check the weather for tomorrow. Make sure to get a wx brief in the morning for 55LL. If it’s not raining I might come out lol
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I’ll be out to help tomorrow and maybe fly
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I can come out and fly. How does our soaring forecast look to the guys who have sky sight?
Can we get a tow pilot out today? We have some people looking to fly.
I need to get my my bronze badge first lol
Day recap: Today started out slow with Lawrence and I mowing the grass around the hanger and gliders. Then we got 3 birds in the air with Lawrence flying the 1-26c ,John Osborn flying his pw5, and myself flying the clubs pw5. John and I flew together for a little before he flew back to the airport after around 2 hours. Finally I pushed on for a total flight time of 4 hours and 51 minutes before landing at 6:37. Overall a great day at the field doing work and flying.
I can come out and help
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Congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉
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