John DeRosa

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  • in reply to: Safety Meeting #13311
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    REMINDER – There will be a raffle for a Soaring Society of America logo “soft shell” jacket at the SSI Safety Meeting.

    Perfect for spring time.  But you must attend the meeting in person to be eligible to win!

    See you tomorrow.

    in reply to: Chairs Needed Saturday March 25th #13306
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    John ,

    Fine. Bring a sofa-sleeper for all I care. As long as you don’t fall asleep like last year. Sheesh. ;-/

    Best Regards,
    John H DeRosa

    in reply to: Reminders and Requirements for Flying in 2023 #13261
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


    Good question.
    The long range forecast for Saturday, March 25th is for the mid-50’s, possibly higher. Of course, we will also heat the hangar as we have done in the past. You might wonder why we don’t use an off-site location. Each year we look into the possibility of using a local library, restaurant, etc. The problem is the availability of a reliable internet connection for Zoom. As yet no site will guarantee our requirements. Some also restrict bringing in outside food.

    The Zoom access information for our safety meeting will be sent out next week.

    John H DeRosa

    in reply to: First Responder Training #13228
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    I would be interested in attending your training.

    Best Regards,
    John H DeRosa

    in reply to: Ground school #13203
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


    Can you see if this webinar was recorded for later viewing. I, and others, had to miss it so would really like to see it.
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

    On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 03:21:59 PM CST, SSI <> wrote:

    in reply to: Saturday Feb 4 Work Party #13186
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    Good shot! It looks a little like you had just summited Mount Everest.
    Inline image
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

    On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 03:49:58 PM CST, SSI <> wrote:

    in reply to: OGN Computer Needed #13177
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Steve – Any aircraft having an OGN transmitter installed will need a 12Vdc to micro-USB converter to run off the ship’s main battery power system just like all other non-mechanical avionics such as a radio, audio vario, etc.

    Best Regards,
    John H DeRosa

    in reply to: OGN Computer Needed #13176
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    John P,

    No action on the part of the pilot is needed.
    The OGN receiver auto powers up as soon as ship’s power is applied.
    After ship’s power is removed the OGN receiver will turn off – something I remember learning in EE101 college class. If there is a battery installed (not required) the unit will run for a while before dying which also turns the unit off. Thus the universe returns to equilibrium.
    Sound about right?
    John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
    West Dundee, Illinois, USA
    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

    On Monday, February 6, 2023 at 03:25:12 PM CST, SSI <> wrote:

    Reply To: OGN Computer Needed From John Phelan, [General Discussion Forum]

    OK. So how do we turn it on/off when it is in a glider? DeRosa indicated it will power up with the master switch in the glider but this seems to contradict that.

    What am I missing?

    Best Regards,

    John F. Phelan

    From: SSI
    Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 14:09
    Subject: Reply To: OGN Computer Needed; By Dennis Burke, [Sky Soaring]

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    in reply to: OGN Computer Needed #13171
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

    Some followup comments on putting these OGN transmitters in our aircrafts.

    Correct that you must use a voltage converter to go from our 12Vdc battery “bus” (not “buss”) to supply USB level 5Vdc power to the OGN transmitter.The Amazon link for a converter that John P sent earlier was for a USB-C connection. I’d sure like USB-C better but we are stuck with the micro-USB connector on the OGN transmitter. Use this Amazon link instead for a converter

    Best Regards,
    John H DeRosa

    in reply to: OGN Computer Needed #13166
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


    My plan is to semi-permanently mount the small unit with velcro somewhere in the glider with a direct connection to ship’s power.

    The OGN transmitter auto-powers up once the master switch is turned on so no pilot interaction would be needed. Simple.
    So I think that after some trial runs in the spring we might decide to buy one or more units and install them in appropriate gliders.
    John H DeRosa
    Inline image

    On Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 03:20:10 PM CST, SSI <> wrote:

    in reply to: Saturday Feb 4 Work Party #13150
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    The testing is done with a special punch like tool to help detect internal corrosion. More details here –
    To do the test we have to remove the strut which is the tedious part of the process because they are heavy. So its handy to have extra hands available to prevent dropping a heavy strut onto the fabric wing which is considered NON-OPTIMAL.

    After the test we put some special oil inside each strut to prevent future corrosion.
    We hope to do both struts on Saturday but this all depends on how quickly things go. We did it two years ago so it won’t be totally new.
    John H DeRosa

    On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 05:03:55 PM CST, SSI <> wrote:

    in reply to: Fabric repair and replacement #13147
    John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
    I will be there.
    John H DeRosa

    On Monday, January 30, 2023 at 06:07:19 PM CST, SSI <> wrote:

Viewing 12 posts - 61 through 72 (of 274 total)