Tuesday March 26th Summary

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    • #5236

        I was asked to write the summary for today’s ops,  and after being told by 2 or 3 people they would be looking forward to reading it tonight, I decided I better deliver something unique and memorable… be careful what you wish for……


        Blue skies over Hampshire
        on this cool clear Tuesday
        Some 8 club members came out to play

        John DeRosa  was there
        and Mark Riech too
        (thanks to the latter for providing the brew)

        With Stars and Stripes on the line
        And Pumpkin hooked up for tow
        our pilots were all soon ready to go

        Mark Mollamo took the yoke
        in the one eighty two
        and Don Grillo was there doing his C-FIG thing too.

        Larry and Logan
        in one of the sailplanes
        Shared a thermal with some sandhill cranes

        While Eric, on spring break,
        logged his second solo flight
        Even Rich showed up,…armed for a fight.

        After 12 solid flights
        We sat down to pay
        Not at all bad, for a March Tuesday.

      • #5239
        Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

          Nicely done, Logan!

          • #5240

              Hello:I showed up and was happy to talk with normal pilot people who are not criminals. Even 10 minutes at the airport is a nice break from working Rockford or Chicago.  I will try to take a few annual leave days and fly during the week this year.  Regards.
              Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

              • #5241

                  It was an unexpected but welcome surprise to see you out there. I just
                  had to comment however indirectly that you were still armed ;-p hope you
                  get a chance to come out and fly soon.

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