Soda machine opportunity for the club

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    • #14509
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      My son has obtained a soda vending machine. We really do not need a big soda can vending machine at the Walenda household.  Is the club interested in hosting the machine in return for some cash?  My son is willing to stock/maintain the machine.  Of course, the club would share in the profits.

      Or, does the club want to purchase the machine to take the place of the barely working refrigerator?



    • #14510
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello Rich, We had a soda machine for several years. We got rid of it a couple years ago as it wasn’t maintained and I think it had some problems dispensing. I don’t think we need one at the field. But we can put it on the BOD agenda to talk about it.

    • #14511
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      Also keep in mind that unless the machine in question is designed to be in outdoor environments, it will not fare well in the hangar in the wintertime.  The cooling system needs an ambient air temp above the refrigerated temp in order to be efficient and maintain the internal temperature.  Otherwise, the pop can freeze in the wintertime and then you have a real mess to contend with.

      Reply To: Soda machine opportunity for the club From Don Grillo, [General Discussion Forum]

      Hello Rich, We had a soda machine for several years. We got rid of it a couple years ago as it wasn’t maintained and I think it had some problems dispensing. I don’t think we need one at the field. But we can put it on the BOD agenda to talk about it.

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <>
      Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 09:34
      Subject: Reply To: Soda machine opportunity for the club; By Don Grillo, [Sky Soaring]

    • #14514
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      In the past we loaded the vending machine with pop and water – with water being the most important for hydration. However, the water bottles became an issue as their thin plastic often jammed.If we do get this machine one idea might be to put it in the office area taking the place of the derelict “balloon” refrigerator (which COMED may pick up for free). Alternatively, and John is correct about freezing if overwintered in the hangar, it would need to be unloaded about the time we turn off the outside water.

      John H DeRosa

      On Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 09:42:52 AM CST, SSI <> wrote:

      Reply To: Soda machine opportunity for the club From John Phelan, [General Discussion Forum]

      Also keep in mind that unless the machine in question is designed to be in outdoor environments, it will not fare well in the hangar in the wintertime. The cooling system needs an ambient air temp above the refrigerated temp in order to be efficient and maintain the internal temperature. Otherwise, the pop can freeze in the wintertime and then you have a real mess to contend with.

      Reply To: Soda machine opportunity for the club From Don Grillo, [General Discussion Forum]

      Hello Rich, We had a soda machine for several years. We got rid of it a couple years ago as it wasn’t maintained and I think it had some problems dispensing. I don’t think we need one at the field. But we can put it on the BOD agenda to talk about it.

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI
      Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 09:34
      Subject: Reply To: Soda machine opportunity for the club; By Don Grillo, [Sky Soaring]

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    • #14526
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      Any movement on the soda machine idea?  It needs to be moved out of its current location soon.



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