Soaring Saturday (tomorrow)

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  • Author
    • #6426
      Art SilvermanArt Silverman

        I would like to fly tomorrow.  Do we have a tow pilot and an instructorwho can help?

        If possible I would also like to get more flights off a winch (I’ll need an instructor).

        Speak up if you want to join the fun.



      • #6427
        Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

          I can tow on Saturday 7-6, and can attempt to get ’11D” preflighted by 10:30Am.

          If someone can spot me in late afternoon for tows,  I have to leave field by 4:00pm

          • #6428
            Art SilvermanArt Silverman

              We have a tow pilot!!Who else can join us??

              —–Original Message—–
              From: Sky Soaring <>
              To: Arthurttu

              • #6429

                  I’ll try to get there before noon. Art, if you are not gone yet we can get
                  Krosno, I guess.

                  • #6430

                      I’m in 🙂

                  • #6435

                      I`ll try to come out also art                    jim

                      —–Original Message—–
                      From: Sky Soaring <>
                      To: skogjim

                  • #6431
                    Art SilvermanArt Silverman

                      We have a tow pilot- thank you Denny.  Who else is coming out tomoroow??

                      —–Original Message—–
                      From: Sky Soaring <>
                      To: Arthurttu

                      • #6432
                        Mark ReichMark Reich

                          I am in…

                          • #6434

                              I can fly, too.  If an instructor is available.  We need to get some progress on sport pilot glider add on. 4 years is a bit much…
                              Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

                      • #6436
                        Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

                          If Jim can come out, there will be a CFIG on site,  today

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