Sep 18 – Ops?

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    • #7309
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Probably not a great soaring day, but any interest in getting a winch training operation going tomorrow afternoon (Wed 9/18)? If anyone is able to participate please respond so we can see if we can get the necessary team together.

      I would love to get a bunch of winch launches in. Trying to get to a winch endorsement before the end of the season…

    • #7311
      Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

      Hi Aaron-

      I’ll be around to help tomorrow as winch driver or instructor. I may need to leave as early as 1500 so an early start to our operation would be ideal.


    • #7312

      Hello:Before the end of the season I would also like to have the sport pilot glider winch launch add on.  Unfortunately, I only have weekends available. So we have 2 people with winch launch aspirations.  Who is up to the challenge in helping us?Regards,Rich 

      Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    • #7313
      Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

      Volume of training is another reason I advocate an early start time. Less thermals means more overall launch/landing cycles and a potentially more intense training regimen to build confidence on the winch.


      • #7314
        Don GrilloDon Grillo

        I’m there. 

        — Don 

        On Sep 17, 2019, at 13:48, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

        • #7317
          Don GrilloDon Grillo

          Any more people coming out? I am an afternoon arrival – 1pm or later, but
          probably would probably not drive out from the city unless it is clear we
          can get a winch op going.

          • #7318
            Larry KaseLarry Kase

            I will be out today. I think we will have 4 instructors.

            Sent from my iPad

    • #7321
      Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

      We are staged and fully crewed to start winch ops as soon as people show up…guys?

      • #7322
        Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

        Will be there ASAP…..denny

    • #7323
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      Guys, during today’s 22:30 debrief at picnic table, I think we forgot to get the Lark tail secured correctly, with rudder/aileron locks added along with tail-tie hardware that Tim said he put the storage bin of the next-over glider….

      • #7324

        I’d like to help you retain the airworthiness of semi-hi performance composite glider immobilized within the club hangar because it will help the club and because it will also help me to get my IA certificate soundly renewed over time required by CFRS.

        • #7325

          Unfortunately, the weather this weekend is bleak for glider operations however: Frank ( the new member) will be available at times we can agree upon together for all’s best interest.

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