Saturday Wrap Up

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    • #6972
      Art SilvermanArt Silverman

        We started the day with our monthly membership meeting.  I suggest you go to the web site, download and read the meeting notes as we presented a lot of information you should know.   Don also completed updating the SSI policy and procedure manual.  This manual can be downloaded from our website and I highly encourage you to do so- and read it!

        We got a late start and only had 10 winches before we had to stop due to the weather.  We could have easily done twice as many flights had more members been at the field.  Please come out and fly.

        Thanks to our flight instructions Larry, Mark, Steve (that I know of, as I was running the winch), and thanks to Jeff for running the mule car.

        We also need to thank Don and Garry for installing the carburetor and air box on our 182.

        I would like to thank everyone else for helping- but being at the winch I don’t know who was running wings, retrieving gliders,keeping track of flights etc.

        We had a great day, I only wish more of you could have been there to enjoy the day.

        Art Silverman, VP




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