Saturday Sky Soaring Recap

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    • #7832
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

        We had great workday on Saturday.  It started with a wonderful breakfast at Allen’s Corner Diner on Rte 20.  John D, Art, Greg T, Alan, Don and Greg P. all met up and enjoyed some good cooking and conversation.  During breakfast, Greg Palmer was asked if he would be able to give us a lesson in rope splicing since we had several tow ropes that needed repair.  He agreed he would.  After breakfast we all headed over to the hanger.

        Jim Hopkins joined us at the hanger and got to work shinning up the Cessna 182. Thanks Jim!!! It looks a 1000% better, it really shines.  Lets hope it sells soon.

        John D and John P started working on the Hustler mower wiring. No smoke or flames were seen coming from that area.

        Greg T, Alan and myself gathered around Greg P for our lesson in rope spicing.  After the lesson, the 3 of us got busy spicing ropes and making new tost ring pig tails.  We now have several proper length (200 ft) tow ropes. Thank you Greg T and Alan. Great Job!!!

        Mark Mallamo surprised us with a visit as he was home for the weekend.  He says he is enjoying flying the right seat in the biz jet and has had the opportunity to do some international flying as well.  His plan is to return back here to Illinois in January and start full time flight instructing at Poplar Grove. Mark then spent time going through the winch strops weak links to make sure they were in proper working condition.

        By mid afternoon it was time for more eating so, several members headed over to Wendy’s for chili.

        On behalf of the Mx Committee, I want to thank all those that came out to work.  We really have a great group of people at the club and I enjoy working with all of you.




      • #7835

          sounds like a great meeting….Too bad I couldn’t attend that day

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