rainy day entertainment

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    • #7377

        Rainy day

        some short entertainment for vintage fans .











      • #7378

          Ok, need some help the video link did not come with it.

        • #7379
          Don GrilloDon Grillo

            Barry, I think you put the link in the Tags box. It should be in the message body.

            Here is the link Barry wanted to share with everyone.

            On another interesting topic. Has anybody seen the PBS documentary called “Escape from Nazi Alcatraz” of the glider that was built in an attic during WWII which was going to be used by POW’s to escape captivity?



            • #7380
              Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

                Whoa! Glider boat? Really?


              • #7383

                  Hi Don!
                  Thanks for the historic youtube link! That era of history never ceases to intrigue me since childhood over 40 years ago.
                  I’ve procured amass of technical datum to update me on current CFRs since my professional years some time ago.
                  Stick and rudder skills remain present, albeit a little rusty. Wouldn’t you agree? 🙂
                  However; The technology tools and CFR changes over the past 10 years are very noteworthy in a healthy fashion towards re-currency.
                  That’s no problem, just diligent dedication employed on my part for proficient currency which is sorely lacking at present.
                  I sincerely appreciate the tireless time and dedication you have sacrificed and demonstrated.
                  I look forward to helping club objectives via outlined member support participation.
                  I hope to be more prepared with more critical knowledge skills when returning on the next available flying day.
                  I’ve procured the suggested reading materials in your club’s operations manual along with more up to date CFR’s and other FAA approved fundamental flight operation standards.
                  Have a great day!


                  • #7384

                      Stay out of the rain y’all so you don’t become “all wet” 🙂

                • #7385

                    Don, any idea when we might be able to get HIGH again?  Only sunny days for the coming week are Monday and Friday from the weather forecasts.  Would like to get some more training in before the snows start blowing.

                  • #7387
                    Mark MallamoMark Mallamo

                      I’ll be back in town for a few days starting on Wednesday afternoon.  I’m available to tow and or instruct if there is interest in getting an operation going later this week.


                    • #7388
                      Don GrilloDon Grillo

                        Alan, I’m not available today (Monday) but lets try for an operation later in the week. Maybe when Mark gets back, Wed, Thurs, or Fri.

                        • #7389


                            Sounds good…. Thurs or Friday would work for me….

                            Maybe we can get the thermalling competition going again with Andy and



                            *Dr. Alan P. Kozikowski*

                            *Cell 773-793-5866*

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