Photos and Videos at SSI

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    • #11570
      Richard BellRichard Bell

        I am an inactive member, and am rarely at the field.

        There used to be photos and videos on our site, which I really enjoyed seeing.

        I am sure I missed any posts that mentioned why they are not posted anymore.

        Miss all my friends there.


        Dick Bell

      • #11583
        Don GrilloDon Grillo

          Hello Dick,
          Unfortunately, we had to remove the photo gallery as it was a source for hackers to get into our website code. On more than one occasion our website was hacked and it took several days with help from our hosting service to find the malicious code. There are other online services that could host a photo gallery if someone wanted to administer it.

          Don Grillo

        • #11587
          John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

            I will look into what type of photo/video web sites might be use-able. We would want something that would be secure and allow all Sky Soaring members to forward/upload photos and videos.

            Google groups could be an option. I already own
            Let me know of any alternate ideas you might have.
            John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
            West Dundee, Illinois, USA
            “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

            On Monday, January 31, 2022, 09:16:39 AM CST, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

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