Monthly SSI Meeting and CLGC Seminar Feb 23rd

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    • #5122
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

        If you want to save $5 bring your checkbook to the SSI monthly meeting on Saturday (16th) to pay for your Chicagoland Glider Council Seminar attendance coming up the very next Saturday (23rd).


        See full details at

        Don’t miss this year’s Safety Seminar on February 23rd which will include a rare opportunity to learn about the Perlan Project from some of the key people involved! Not sure what the Perlan Project is? Go to to find out what this exciting presentation is about.

        This year’s event includes:

        • An overview of the Perlan Project presented by:
          • Chief Pilot, Jim Payne
          • Medical Lead, Dr. Dan Johnson
          • Operations Manager, Jacqueline Payne
        • See a demonstration of all the primary Soaring weather tools by Herb Kilian
        • Learn how to best maximize the newest WINGS program changes (and earn WINGS credit too)! by Ron Ridenour
        • Continental breakfast, luncheon, afternoon break is included
        • Youth discount!  Early registration discount!
        • Bring your aviation items to sell at the “Fly Market”
        • Meet with all your soaring friends
        • Optional “Dutch Treat” dinner (limited seating)

        Your CLGC dues are helping to pay for this event. See the attached registration for details, fill it out and send in your check <b>TODAY</b>!

        Let’s make a good showing for Sky Soaring!

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