Maintenance Thank You

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    • #12921
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

        With the end of our flying season at hand I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all our members who have given of their time and talent to keep the club field and equipment up and running. Below is a list of those members whom I have either written down or remember and some of what they have done. I apologize to those of you whom I have forgotten. I do appreciate your contribution.

        Petr Folwarczny, Electrical work; Larry Kase, Annuals and Pawnee Maintenance; Tim Ponsot, General work; Pete Legenza, The trailers, the mule, landscape work and just always available to help along with his son Nick; Greg Palmer, mowers, our new flag and always around to help; John Phelan, Mowers and running our zoom meetings, work on the 1-26C vinyl wrap; Gary Palumbo, Annuals, Pawnee maintenance, other glider maintenance and repair and advice; John Osborn, mowers Krosno canopy, Lark work; Mark Reich, Mowing; Art Silverman, always around to help; Greg Tomczyk, again always around to help; Rich Walenda, keeping our first aid kit up to date; Geoff Weck, always willing to help and his repair work on pumpkin; Jim Hopkins, cleaning the hangar, work on the hangar trusses, work on the hangar doors as well as being here to work on many many Saturdays; John Belue, again a willing hand and works to keep us safe; Andy Chicewicz, who has spent a lot of time working on our golf carts; Denny Burke, seems to always be here when help is needed; Steve Snyder, works on all the ships, mows, cleans up, and another member who seems to always be around; Larry Moy, another helper; Brendan Stewart, not here so much now but when he is he always pitched in; Don Grillo, has worked on all our aircraft, a steady and knowledgeable hand we just couldn’t get by without; Kevin Price, always willing to help; Karl Landl, hasn’t been here as much lately but always has helped when asked; John Dudlak, another willing hand; and finally John DeRosa, works on our gliders, helps with the Pawnee, works on the mowers and club instrument panels and plumbing and ….

        THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! It’s your club and your maintenance work is what has kept it up and running.

        Sincerely, John Lincoln Maintenance Chair

      • #12922
        John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
          Man, that is quite a list of some great members doing what a club always needs – helping out!
          Many thanks to everyone.
          John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)

          President, Sky Soaring


          On Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 12:54:57 PM CST, SSI <> wrote:

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