Maintenance Thank You

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    • #10224
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

        I wish to extend my Thanks to and for all those who have stepped up and gotten things done at the field during the winter. Larry Kase and Tim Ponsot for the Lark repair; Gary Palumbo , Don Grillo, John DeRosa, Steve Snyder and Larry Kase (and others I am not aware of) for the Pawnee repairs, strut test and annual, Pete Lagenza for repairing the mule, and for general work at the hangar Jim Hopkins, Gary Tomczyk, Greg Palmer and John Phelan. I again apologize for any names I have forgotten or missed but I do appreciate all your help, effort and time. Your efforts are what make this club work.

        John Lincoln, Maintenance Chair

      • #10234

          Thanks all!

          On Saturday, March 27, 2021 Sky Soaring <> wrote:

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