Instructor Fee are Now $10 per Flight

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    • #6157
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa



        I am handling the flight sheet review and payment deposits for the club.


        The board recently approved that the instructor fee is now $10 per flight (previously $9). This makes it easier to pay in even amounts with cash or with Sky Soaring coupons (not to mention preventing math errors!).


        Note that the existing flight sheet still lists the old $9 instructor fee so please enter $10 until the flight sheet is updated.  Please print new flight sheets when they become available.


        Thanks, John DeRosa

      • #6158
        Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

          Thanks John.

          One correction, it’s 10 dollars for flights greater than 10 minutes and 5 dollars for flights 10 minutes and less regardless of the launch method.


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