Friday was an active Day

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    • #11899
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

        Once again our members have stepped up and are doing what is needed to get the club ready for the up coming season.

        Don Grillo rolled the runway for a few hours, then climbed into the Pawnee, after Geoff Weck  flew it for more than an hour. Hopefully our Pawnee will have it’s new overhaul break-in done soon and we will be able to tow sooner rather than later.

        Greg Palmer and Jim Hopkins pulled the PW-5 trailer out of the east hangar and tied it down in John Osborn’s spot. Geoff Weck has a new spot that was measured by Jim and Greg for his PW-5 that he will be flying out of Sky Soaring this year.  Tie-downs were sunk for in Geoff’s new spot, using Greg’s plutonium powered device.

        Steve Snyder and Andy Chicewicz filled numerous gopher holes and Steve also sorted out the various tie-downs for future use.

        All of the trailers are now out of the east hangar with the exception of Mr. DeRosa,  Mr. Stebbins and Mr. Mendrella.    All other trailers that are outside are tied down. Karl Landl’s trailer should be picked up on or around April 9th, so it’s storage space will be freed up.

        A BIG Thank You to all of you who helped. If I missed you I apologize.

        John Lincoln, Maintenance

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