Credit Card Payments Trial Basis

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    • #9056
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

        Credit Card payments for your aerotows, winch launches and instructor fees is now available on the website shop page. This is on a trial basis for now to see how well it works, if members follow the procedures and also if our treasurer can keep the accounting straight.

        Here’s how it works.

        The member goes to our website shop and clicks on “Select Options” under the “Tow and CFI-G Fees” product.

        That page allows the member to select as many tows and instructor fees he had for the day. After adding all his tows and fees to his cart, he clicks on “View Cart”.

        The Cart page will display the products, price, quantity and subtotal. If correct, he clicks on “Proceed to Checkout”.

        The Checkout page requires the member to fill out the member Billing Details and the REQUIRED “Flight Date and Flight Sheet Numbers” box (Ex. Aug. 10, 2020   Flights 2-5-10)
        Once completed and the “Terms and Conditions” box is checked he can click on the PAYPAL button.

        The member is then directed to PayPal to complete the PayPal information. (Venmo also available if using the Venmo app.)

        A 4% Convenience Fee is added to cover the PayPal fees that sky soaring is required to pay.

        The Member is also REQUIRED to fill out a Pay Envelope with all of his days flights and charges and add a note that the payment was paid with a credit card. This pay envelope is then placed in the “Completed Pay Envelope” folder in the box just as we do for all payments.

        If the member is logged into the sky soaring website, the Billing Information can be saved depending on your app or browser and you will not have to type in the billing information every time you pay with a cc.

        This is on a trial bases.  Please report any issues, good or bad to me, Don Grillo.

        • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Don GrilloDon Grillo.
        • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Don GrilloDon Grillo.
        • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Don GrilloDon Grillo.
        • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Don GrilloDon Grillo.
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