There was a good gathering at the field today. Jimbob was out as were John Osborn and Jim Hopkins. It was good to see them. John O was the GSO after John D started things off. Don Grillo towed and Larry instructed, Thank You fellas! My main focus was getting my spring check flights which I did, thanks to Don and Larry. There were others getting instruction too but the names escape me. Kees flew his Ventus B for 2.25 hours, Petr flew the Krosno. And there was other flying but I was busy with my ship and didn’t catch all the action going on. Ron Ridenour was out to observe and finish the SSF Site Survey. It will be good to get that finished. Ron has had a rough few weeks with the passing of his father and brother-in-law. Our thoughts go out to him and his family.
The winds were very light and the thermals when I took off at 3:11 pm were good. I had 5.7 knots on my averager once. I was able to get up to 6300 msl a couple times. Thank You to all who came out and worked or flew or both. John Lincoln
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