2021 Spring Safety Meeting

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    • #9719
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello Sky Soaring Instructors;

      I would like to start preparing for the Spring Safety Meeting that will be held in April, the date yet to be decided. The meeting will most likely be held at the hangar (social distancing) and with zoom available for those that absolutely can not make the meeting. Hopefully, John Baker will be able to give WINGS credit as well.

      I was thinking that we have each of you give a talk and presentation on a single subject. No more than about a 15 minute talk.  I have posted a number of topics below for your consideration. Pick a topic or name your own.  Please reply here so all instructors get the note. We will plan on having a tv screen and computer hookup if you plan on using a visual presentation.


      1. Ground Maneuvering and Glider Handling
      2. Preflight Takeoff and Tow
      3. Traffic Pattern and Landing/Rollout
      4. Weather, and how it effects me and my flight
      5. Personal Minimums
      6. Risk Management
      7. Emergency! Fly the aircraft first, Aviate-Navigate-Communicate
      8. Managing unexpected events
      9. WINGS program

        Flight Committee Chairman

    • #9720
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      I’d like to add a topic idea, between #4 & 8, even tho I cannot instruct. It would be authored by one of our instructors that are SSI accomplished CC flyers, to help those of us lagging that skill.

      As a power pilot, I have done many long CC flights SEL, ..the planning, the ADM in flight, risks,  but doing it in a sailplane is still eluding me to this day. Being able to go to a destination, and return safely in these congested airspaces, should hold a place in the learning.  Thanks,  Denny

    • #9721
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hi Denny,

      We should have a xcountry course
      sometime in early spring for those club members that wish to
      learn the techniques then have them set out on short xcountry
      flights in the PW-5. I’d like to see more club members go for
      their silver badge.


    • #9722


      I would be happy to give a presentation, but will also probably have to resign my Sky Soaring membership in the coming year.  If you would like me to give a presentation, I would probably pick Personal Minimums but am honestly happy to talk on any topic you might need.  I would have to give the presentation remotely, though, as I would not be able to make it to the hangar for the meeting. Take care.

    • #9723
      Larry KaseLarry Kase

      I would like to present topic #3, traffic pattern. 


      Sent from my iPad

    • #9734
      Don GrilloDon Grillo


      Update for Safety Meeting Presentations:

      DATE: Saturday, April 17, 2021  0900am.

      1. Ground Maneuvering and Glider Handling
      2. Preflight Takeoff and Tow
      3. Traffic Pattern and Landing/Rollout – Presented By: Larry Kase, CFI-G
      4. Weather, and how it effects me and my flight
      5. Personal Minimums – Presented By: Mark Dunning, CFI-G – Remotely via zoom
      6. Risk Management – Presented By: Austen Mersereau CFI-G
      7. Emergency! Fly the aircraft first, Aviate-Navigate-Communicate
      8. Managing unexpected events
      9. WINGS program

      Big Screen will be available for connecting a laptop via HDMI cable.


      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Don GrilloDon Grillo.
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Don GrilloDon Grillo.
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Don GrilloDon Grillo.
      • #9767
        Don GrilloDon Grillo

        Update on the Spring Safety Meeting:

        The date is TBD, (to be determined)

        1. Ground Maneuvering and Glider Handling – Presented By: Gary Palumbo, CFI-G
        2. Preflight Takeoff and Tow
        3. Traffic Pattern and Landing/Rollout – Presented By: Larry Kase, CFI-G
        4. Weather, and how it effects me and my flight
        5. Personal Minimums – Presented By: Mark Dunning, CFI-G – Remotely via zoom
        6. Risk Management – Presented By: Austen Mersereau CFI-G
        7. Emergency! Fly the aircraft first, Aviate-Navigate-Communicate
        8. Managing unexpected events

        Still looking for some CFI-G’s to pick a topic (or two) for a presentation. 15-20 minute talk/presentation. Or choose your own topic to present. Can be made using zoom if you are not able to present in person.

        Flight Comm Chairman

    • #9951
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello CFI-G’s

      Our Spring Safety Meeting will be held on Saturday morning March 20th, 2021, starting at 0900hrs.

      At this time the meeting is planned for both in person at the hangar and online via Zoom. John Baker is working on getting WINGS credit for those attending both in person or online. More on that in the coming weeks.

      Below are the topics that you have chosen to speak on. If you attend in person we will have a large screen TV that you can plug a laptop into via HDMI connection (please check your laptop for an HDMI connection.) If presenting via zoom, you will be able to share your screen.

      Limit your presentation to 20 minutes maximum. We want to hold the meeting to around 3 hours.

      1. Accident Statistics in Soaring – Presented By: Don Grillo, CFI-G
      2. Ground Maneuvering and Glider Handling – Presented By: Gary Palumbo, CFI-G
      3. Preflight Takeoff and Tow – Presented By: Tim Ponsot, CFI-G
      4. Traffic Pattern and Landing/Rollout – Presented By: Larry Kase, CFI-G
      5. Personal Minimums – Presented By: Mark Dunning, CFI-G – Remotely via zoom
      6. Risk Management – Presented By: Austen Mersereau CFI-G
      7. Emergency! Fly the aircraft first, Aviate-Navigate-Communicate Presented By: Steve Snyder, CFIG
      8. Taking the next step in my flying career. Presented By: John Baker CFIG – Remotely via zoom.
      9. The FAA Safety Team  FAASTeam WINGS Program – Presented By: Mark Mallamo – CFI-G

      COVID Precautions will be in effect at the hangar. Mask wearing and distancing will be in order.

      Glider assembly may take place after the meeting, time and weather permitting.

      All members including CFI’s are required to have the SoaringSafety.org Wing Runner course completion certificate for 2021 placed in their folder in the office prior to the flying season.
      Tow-Pilots are also required to have the completion certificate for the SoaringSafety.org Tow Pilot course

      Questions or comments, please contact me.

      Stay Safe,

      Don Grillo
      Flight Committee Chairman


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