Reply To: Plumbing in the office

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Plumbing in the office Reply To: Plumbing in the office

John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

John L,

Right back at YOU with a big thank YOU to YOU too. During last Sunday;s work you JOHN L helped JOHN P and me, JOHN D, with finishing up the plumbing work.  [Its not very often I can work three YOUs into a single sentence, not to mention adding in three Johns to the mix] 
We were also able to re-plumb the long dormant shower with a new valve, shower head, etc.  This will be handy next summer if you want to cool off after some HOT soaring!  Remember to bring a towel.  The shower does need a good scrubbing before its next use. 
John D

On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 12:37:06 PM CST, Sky Soaring <> wrote: