Reply To: 2021 Spring Safety Meeting

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content 2021 Spring Safety Meeting Reply To: 2021 Spring Safety Meeting

Don GrilloDon Grillo

Update on the Spring Safety Meeting:

The date is TBD, (to be determined)

  1. Ground Maneuvering and Glider Handling – Presented By: Gary Palumbo, CFI-G
  2. Preflight Takeoff and Tow
  3. Traffic Pattern and Landing/Rollout – Presented By: Larry Kase, CFI-G
  4. Weather, and how it effects me and my flight
  5. Personal Minimums – Presented By: Mark Dunning, CFI-G – Remotely via zoom
  6. Risk Management – Presented By: Austen Mersereau CFI-G
  7. Emergency! Fly the aircraft first, Aviate-Navigate-Communicate
  8. Managing unexpected events

Still looking for some CFI-G’s to pick a topic (or two) for a presentation. 15-20 minute talk/presentation. Or choose your own topic to present. Can be made using zoom if you are not able to present in person.

Flight Comm Chairman