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Rich, I’ll take your comments as jokes…
If you can find an instructor to fly dual with you then go for it. It is outlined in our covid-19 safety procedures that have been published…“Dual Flights: No dual flights except with family members or approved by both parties.” The dual flights that have been conducted so far have been approved by both parties. Both pilots are wearing masks and sanitizing before and after flight. Of course during times when people can maintain more than 6 feet of distance, some are removing their masks. Some are wearing gloves and others are using hand sanitizer or doing both.
So far I don’t believe we have had more than 10-12 people out at the field at one time.
Dual Flights so far have been for either, a solo checkout where pilots only need one or maybe two flights to solo again. Some pilots have been authorized by the Flight Chairman to wave the spring checkout flight and have been able to fly solo either in their own personal glider or a club glider.
I don’t believe any of the instructors have done instructional flights with student pilots.
I hope this helps clear up some confusion.
Stay Safe,
P.S. The Sky Soaring covid-19 safety procedures are not written in stone meaning they can change upon the ever changing environment, with BOD approval.
P.S.S. Back to the thread topic: Tuesday is looking like a better soaring day than Wednesday. Blue with lift to 6000.