Reply To: 2019 SSI Annual Meeting Notice

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Don GrilloDon Grillo

On behalf of the Maintenance Committee, I would like to thank all our members that came to the annual meeting and those that then went to the field and help with disassembling the gliders and getting them stored in the hanger. We accomplished a lot.

The Pawnee did a 30 minute flight to verify that the ADS-B installation was working. The FAA confirmed the flight and the Pawnee is now 2020 compliant.
The PW-5 was put in its trailer and brought to storage.
The 2-33a Pumpkin was disassembled and stored in the hanger.
The 1-34 was disassembled and stored in the hanger.
The Krosno was disassembled and stored in the hanger.
The C-182 schrader valve on the nose strut was replaced and serviced.
The electric golf carts have been repaired, thanks to Andy C.
Two new tires for one of the carts have been ordered.

Thank you from the Maintenance Committee
Don, Gary and John D,