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The Thursday update. On Saturday lift is starting out at 3.9 knots but dropping to 2.1 knots as the afternoon wears on. The wind is still 12 knots but is now WNW. Cloud base is now down to 5000′ MSL. It still looks like cu’s most of the day. The high temp is 51 degrees, bring your jacket! SkySight does forecast rain at 4:30 but it will be scattered so maybe it will miss Sky Soaring altogether. I’m looking at maybe some streeting and it still looks like a nice day.
Sunday lift starting at 3.1 knots dropping to 2.3 knots as the day wears on. The wind is down to 6 to 7 knots and is WNW to westerly. No cu’s are in the forecast for Sunday. It will be a bit warmer with a high of 55 degrees. Probably a very nice day for instruction.
Looks like there is enough interest to at least get an operation going. Any more interest? John Lincoln