Reply To: Sunday July 23rd

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Sunday July 23rd Reply To: Sunday July 23rd

Mike HurdMike Hurd

Art – thanks for your reply! My friends ended up having a great time yesterday. Tim Ponsot did a superb job giving my two guests – Petros and then his mother Vivian – their first glider rides. Petros submitted his membership application already, I believe. Even Vivian plans to join next Spring. Tim went on to give three more guests flights to a family from the southwest suburbs.Greg Tomczyk came out to help the operation, and Pawnee top-gun Nick Legenza was as helpful as always while his father expertly supervised all of us from command headquarters in the shady hangar. 🙂Otherwise, it was a quiet day at the field – as is usually the case on Oshkosh weekends.—————————-

Reply To: Sunday July 23rd From Art Silverman, [General Discussion Forum]

Hello Mike, I haven’t checked my emails all day. Sorry I didn’t get this email earlier, but I would not have been able to make it to the field today. I will be at the field all day next Saturday.