Checklists of the first things that pilots learn from the very first flight lesson is how to use a checklist.  In flying, no matter what kind of airplane, their are checklists for everything. Assembly checklist, preflight checklist, before takeoff checklist, landing checklist to name a few. There is even a checklist for the pilot called P.A.V.E. If you don’t know what the P.A.V.E. checklist is, you’ll find it in our SSI Files/Docs section of the website.

Before we go home from a day at the gliderport, we all have a checklist that we should be doing. Things like, did I pickup my empty water bottles and lunch bag and throw them away?  Did I help put things away in there proper place? Are the golf carts cleaned out and have they been plugged into their chargers? Is the radio room and office locked? Has the hanger radio been turned off?

We actually have a full written checklist of things that need to be done before closing up for the day. The checklist is hanging on the dry eraser board in the pilot lounge. If you haven’t had a chance to view it, take a look the next time you are out at the field.

Safe Flying
Don Grillo
Mx Comm.Ch.