SS Convention and Insurance Status

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    • #13239
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
      Sky Soaring Members,
      I returned from the SSA convention in Reno on Monday. John Lincoln, Kees van de Klippe
      and Geoff Weck were there with me. Lots of fancy gliders to see
      (brand new and restored vintage), equipment, listen to speeches, and talking with friends from other
      clubs. Always interesting and fun. You should come to the next convention!
      The four of us
      mentioned above had an opportunity to spend time talking with Pat Costello our broker for our club’s current insurance policy which is up for renewal at the end of May. The insurance underwriter is AIG. Pat told us that he is “on our side” and will represent Sky Soaring to AIG in the best possible light to continue to
      insure our club.
      Geoff knew that two key AIG representatives would be at the convention this year and that this would be a rare opportunity to talk directly with AIG. Pat Costello quickly coordinated a face-to-face meeting with AIG, Pat and another member of his staff, Geoff, Burt Compton of the Soaring Safety
      Foundation (who has been to our airport and a good friend to Sky Soaring) and myself.
      John, Kees, Geoff and myself spent time gathering the many ways that we
      have made our airport a safer place to fly to present to AIG. Examples like widening the runway, creating a taxiway (alternative runway), mandatory yearly wing runner and
      tow pilot training, mandatory attendance at our spring safety meeting, etc, etc, etc.

      We all felt that meeting with AIG went very well. AIG definitely seemed very receptive to our message and asked key questions to understand more. We took turns explaining in detail the different safety changes that we have made over the previous few years.
      Pat and Burt both expressed to AIG their positive comments about Sky Soaring. We all came away feeling
      very good about the prospects of AIG renewing our insurance policy
      . We will know for sure in the coming weeks.

      A reminder that on Saturday, March 25th, we will have our annual mandatory Spring Safety Meeting. We talked at length to AIG about this important meeting and that every member is required to attend it before flying Sky Soaring aircraft. Importantly, the Soaring Safety Foundation has agreed to speak at our safety meeting and to perform a Site Survey of our operation on that day.

      See you all there!John DeRosaPresidentSky Soaring Board of Directors

    • #13240
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      Thank you! Good news!

      From: SSI []
      Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2023 10:35 PM
      Subject: SS Convention and Insurance Status, By John DeRosa, [Sky Soaring]

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