Rich Walenda

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  • in reply to: Flying tomorrow Friday August 18th #14046
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    I see you and Andy on Book Our Plane. I took today off and can come out and help around 1230.



    in reply to: Flying tomorrow Friday August 18th #14042
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    The Pop Quiz Answer:

    For 2-33 limits I will let you keep searching.  Ask an Instructor if you do not know.

    Club rules are to Suspend Flight Operations if…
    ● Wind exceeds 20 KTS or gusts exceed 25 KTS.
    Crosswind component is in excess of POH limits or excessive for pilot experience.
    ● Approaching storm.
    Student pilots are limited to;
    o logbook endorsements.

    No flying for students if
    o Tailwind for aerotow takeoff exceeds 5 KTS.
    o Tailwind for landing exceeds 5 KTS.

    o Visibility is less than 3 miles.
    o Ceiling is less than 1500 ft. AGL.
    o Field conditions are unsuitable.
    o Approaching storm conditions.
    o Student pilots require a CFI-G to be present.



    in reply to: Flying tomorrow Friday August 18th #14041
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    Hopefully tomorrow and Saturday are not as breezy as Rockford (KRFD) today.  Winds are now 28015G22KT.  It will not be a fun day with a 24 mph wind.

    Pop quiz:  what are the wind limits for a 2-33 glider?  What are the club limits?



    in reply to: Saturday 8-12 #14038
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    The weather for Saturday August 19th:

    Saturday: Sunny, with a high near 83.
    Sunday:  Sunny, with a high near 91.

    The season is more than half finished. Share a glider/double the fun.  Lets fly!




    in reply to: Saturday 8-12 #14024
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda

    Also, I forgot to mention Mark Reich for running the board and keeping order. Thanks!

    in reply to: Saturday 8-12 #14021
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    12 flights today! A nice Saturday.  Glider Pilots were: Dave Winters, Kees, Petr F., John Osborn/John Lincoln, John Scott, Rich, Daniel Spenser, Andy C., and Andrea Scott.  Towing by Nick and CFI work by Don Grillo.  GSO by Rich.  Several golf cart retrieves by Mr. Phalen and everyone assisted in Wing Running.  Thanks!

    Gliders used were: Pumpkin, one 1-26, Krosno, PW5 and Petr’s blue wonder.  Most tows were to 3,000.  The longest flight was 2 hours by team Osborn/Lincoln in the Krosno.  The next highest were about an hour and half by Kees in the PW5 and Petr in his own ship. John Scott had almost an hour in the 1-34.  My 1-26 flight was 20 minutes – they must have used up the lift before I got there.  Everyone drank water (by the way the refrigerator is not that cold…).

    Slowly the summer is ending.  Labor day will be here soon.  We need to try to get a few more operations going.  Also, if you do an operation during the week please post a recap so we know what we missed and it may entice some of us to take a day off and fly during the week.

    According to AOPA and General Aviation News, 80% of student pilots drop out of training each year before receiving their pilot certificate. Lets fix that and also lets have our certificated pilots fly often to stay current and proficient.

    Have a nice weekend!




    in reply to: Saturday 8-12 #14014
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda

    Hello: Passing by the field Friday afternoon. Gate is wide open – no one around. I checked the area and then locked the gate.


    in reply to: Saturday 8-12 #14008
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    I am planning on being at the field.  I can fly, wing run, and/or GSO.

    Saturday weather from NOAA:  Sunny, with a high near 85. West northwest wind 5 to 10 mph, with gusts as high as 15 mph.

    I like your forecast a bit better.




    in reply to: Ground school #14004
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    A cut and paste from Don Grillo’s previous post on educational materials:

    Glider Flight Training Manual by Thomas Knauff.
    The most popular, comprehensive glider flight training manual from first flight through license. Includes advanced flight training such as beginning aerobatics, and cross country flying. More than 300 pages. Hard cover. Recommended for all students and licensed glider pilots.




    Below are links to the FAA handbooks and manuals that are available free to download as pdf files. These manuals can also be purchased online through many pilot supply stores. Search for the best pricing.


    Student Pilot Guide

    Every new student should start with reading this guide. It will give you a good understanding how your flight training will progress. It also contains useful information you will need as a student pilot.

    Student Pilot Guide (Change 1)

    The Glider Flying Handbook
    The Glider Flying Handbook is tailored to everything soaring from aerotows to weather. A must have handbook for every glider pilot and student.
    Glider Flying Handbook

    The Aeronautical Chart Users Guide

    The Aeronautical Chart Users Guide shows and describes the complete legend for Sectional Charts, TAC Charts and WAC charts as well as IFR Charts. You will need to know the Sectional Chart legend for your Private Pilot Glider license.
    Aeronautical Chart User’s Guide


    Aeronautical Information Manual

    Air Navigation
    Aeronautical Lighting and Other Airport Visual Aids
    Air Traffic Control
    Air Traffic Procedures
    Emergency Procedures
    Safety of Flight
    Medical Facts for Pilots
    Aeronautical Charts and Related Publications
    Aeronautical Information Manual

    Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
    This is a complete handbook that contains everything from aerodynamics to weather. A must have handbook to prep you for your exam.

    Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25B)

    Risk Management Handbook

    Risk Management is something every pilot deals with in order to fly safely. This is a good handbook to explain risk management and how to incorporate with aeronautical decision making skills

    Risk Management Handbook (Change 1)

    Weight & Balance Handbook

    Weight and Balance of a glider is critical and every pilot needs to know how w&b effects the flight characteristics of your glider.

    Weight & Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1B)

    Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for Glider or Sport Pilot Practical Test Standards for Glider 

    This guide will show everything that a glider student will need to know for the practical flight exam.

    Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for Glider (FAA-S-8081-22)

    Federal Aviation Regulations CFR Title 14

    Here is a link to the FAR’s. You can download sections as needed.

    Current Federal Aviation Regulations

    in reply to: Ground school #14003
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    Thank you for helping the flying community.  Most pilots know that up to 80% of student pilots never move out of that category.

    Approximately 60 percent of those who earn a student pilot certificate never earn a higher pilot certificate (e.g., private, recreational, or sport). And many more drop out before ever obtaining a student pilot certificate—placing the overall dropout rate at an estimated 70 to 80 percent.

    Anything we can do to help those in the student category get their license is helpful.  Also, for add on pilots a review of the regulations is necessary.  We can get the pass rate higher and must assist our club members in obtaining their sport or private certificates.



    in reply to: Ground school #13994
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    Thanks for the offer. I will occasionally join in to refresh my knowledge. Last winter’s course was fun and educational.



    in reply to: Sunday August 6th flying #13980
    Rich WalendaRich Walenda


    Sunday August 6th summary:

    7 flights today.  Thank you to Don and John S. for towing and CFI duties.  Thanks to Andy (4 flights), Andrea (2 flights) and John O for wing running, golf cart towing and helping put everything away and taking care of some of the trailers.  I took the 1-26 up for a short flight – no lift today.  It was a good day for some training and fun flights.

    The forecast has rain for Monday, decent weather for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with rain again for Friday.  The weekend forecast is for sunny Saturday and Sunday but that can change.

    Not a bad Sunday for some flying.  As they say, some flying is better than no flying.  Thank again for all who showed up to run a small operation at the field today.  A little bit of frequent flying helps keep one proficient.





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