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Rich Walenda
Read this article from American Flyers. It has some helpful points. Its more for airplanes but can be adapted for glider flying.
How To Nail The Perfect Landing
TO MAKE CONSISTENTLY GOOD LANDINGS, YOU NEED TO APPLY CONSISTENTLY GOOD PRACTICES.That is easier said than done, especially for less experienced pilots. It’s difficult because there are many variables to address during the landing process, such as airspeed, power, pitch, wind speed and direction, glide path, configuration, runway alignment, and more. If all a pilot does is react to these ever-changing conditions without employing basic controlling principles, every landing becomes a new experience. Nothing from these landings carries over to the next, so one can never really improve their skills. Yet, this is exactly what many pilots do, always fighting what is happening with the hope that they will somehow wrestle the airplane into submission for a safe touchdown. In this scenario, the pilot is constantly behind the airplane, trying to force rapidly changing parameters back into place. It would be much like the saying “herding cats.”
To begin building the necessary good practices, each landing needs to be divided into segments with specific goals for each segment. Doing this will allow the pilot to concentrate on only what is necessary during that particular phase without worrying about controlling something that does not yet need to be controlled.
The goal of the approach segment is to arrive over the threshold at the right altitude, attitude, airspeed, power setting, configuration, and alignment, ready to begin the round-out and flare. The approach must be stabilized throughout its duration. A stabilized approach means the pitch attitude, airspeed, and power setting are all correct and constant. If, at any time during the approach segment, one of these “correct and constant” parts is lost, a go-around should be initiated.
Surprisingly, bad landings are too often the result of being overly fixated on the airspeed indicator. If the airspeed is the main focus, it will inevitably lead to inappropriately large pitch changes in trying to keep the airspeed at the desired value. In other words, overcontrolling occurs. The airspeed indicator is a performance instrument, not a control instrument. That means it only provides information on aircraft performance, but because of the delays in updating that information, it cannot be used to make control inputs. As strange as it might sound, you cannot control airspeed by focusing on the airspeed indicator because it can’t tell you how much pitch and/or power change is necessary to achieve the desired airspeed.
To make consistently good landings, it’s critical to understand the relationship between pitch, power, and performance. The key is to establish and maintain the desired descent sight picture while maintaining the desired power setting. In doing so, you will avoid the roller coaster effect of overcontrolling, and you’ll discover that the airspeed will be maintained right where it needs to be.
The reality is, you can’t make good landings with your focus in the cockpit, regardless of what instrument you are looking at. Your eyes need to be outside the airplane 90% of the time. Pitch changes are more easily detected and controlled by focusing on the sight picture out of the windshield. Once again, if pitch and power are controlled, airspeed will be controlled with only an occasional glance at the airspeed indicator to determine if pitch and power changes are necessary. And if they are, they need to be done with finesse, only making minor changes to avoid overcontrolling. If major changes are called for, so should a go-around.
The round-out and flare segments normally begin when crossing the threshold. The key is to establish the proper outside sight picture and maintain that attitude until touchdown. The flare sight picture is normally achieved by putting the aircraft’s nose on the horizon, or, in other words, the normal climb attitude. Smoothly reducing the power to idle while holding that sight picture should result in a smooth touchdown on the main wheels with minimal adjustments to pitch and power.
The rollout segment is continued by holding the nose off the ground until the airplane slows enough for the nosewheel to gently touch down. It’s also important that any crosswind correction needed during the approach be held throughout the rollout while actually increasing the aileron deflection as the speed decreases. Remember that just because the wheels have touched down, the airplane is not finished flying, and positive control will still be required during the rollout.
During the landing process, minor corrections will need to be made. Again, it’s all about pitch and power control. Both pitch and power need to be adjusted to correct deviations from the desired norm. Minor deviations, especially during the flare, must be made by making appropriate changes to the desired flare sight picture and the needed power setting. Above all, avoid overcontrolling, which is the enemy of a good landing.
Another important factor is understanding where the eyes should look during the landing process. During the approach segment, attention should be on the aim point to determine where touchdown will occur so that needed adjustments can be made. Then, as the runway threshold is approached and the flare begins, the eyes need to transition further down the runway to obtain a more accurate sense of the rate of descent and the height above the runway, much as a parachute jumper looks towards the horizon to gauge when he needs to be ready to “touchdown.” If this change of focus down the runway is not made, a sense of “ground rush” will occur, most likely resulting in a quick pitch-up and ballooning to follow.
As the nose is raised during the flair, it will become necessary to adjust vision to the bottom corner of the windscreen to ensure runway alignment is maintained. Many pilots touch down far too flat and, consequently, too fast because they do not want to lose sight of the runway over the nose of the airplane. Thus, they never raise the nose high enough for a proper touchdown attitude on the main gear. As a result, they fly the airplane onto the runway rather than landing on the runway.
Learning how to properly control pitch and power during the landing process, rather than just chasing airspeed, will make the landing process far less stressful and introduce a level of consistency that will inspire confidence in your ability to land an airplane.
Rich Walenda
Today we met at the field as a small ad hoc group. Mike Palmer was working on his tow check out. Always wanting to help out, I assisted by letting him tow me in my 1-26c. The tow was great, the lift – not so much. It progressively got hotter and windy. Zack O’Grady and I took up “Pumpkin” for a fun flight and found just a little bit of lift and saw some cumulus clouds forming. After the flight it just got too hot and windy to continue so we called it a day. Maybe we will have more cooperative weather Saturday. Thanks to Trigg Palmer and Zack for wing running and to Don Grillo working as GSO and advisor. Not a bad way to spend a Wednesday morning.
Rich Walenda
ParticipantWhat time are you starting?
Rich Walenda
We would need a tow pilot. My recommendation would be a small operation in the morning. It will get hot. The wind should be manageable. Since it will be hot I suggest drinking lots of water. Keeping an eye out for localized thunderstorms is also advised. The afternoon weather may be “interesting”.
A 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 1pm. Mostly sunny, with a high near 92. Heat index values as high as 96. South southwest wind 10 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.
I have the day off and can assist as GSO and wing runner.Please speak up if there is any interest in an operation.Regards,RichRich Walenda
Maybe from me. I am monitoring the winds – gusts up to 30 mph in the afternoon.
What time are you thinking of starting?Regards,
Rich Walenda
ParticipantHow was the Tuesday flying?
Rich Walenda
ParticipantHello:Saturday or Sunday work for me if the weather is good. The weather forecast:Saturday is a 40% chance of showers or thunderstorms 75*F with winds up to 20 mph.Sunday is sunny with a high near 74*F. Looks like Sunday is the better weather bet.Regards,
Rich Walenda
The 2nd Weber charcoal grill is in the truck back storage unit in the deep right corner. I saw it there yesterday when I was working with the small lawn mowers.
Now that we have 3 grills who wants to start some charcoal and slow cook some ribs on a Saturday?
Rich Walenda
Thanks to Don’s weather forecast I showed up at the field later in the morning. Don Grillo and Cornelis van de Klippe were mowing the grass on the runway – Thanks! I took the small push mower and cleaned up around Pumpkin, Petr’s tie down area and the area around Greg’s and my 1-26. Some of the other glider tie down areas need some work with a small mower or weed eater next weekend. Andy C. cleaned up some of the area near the storage container and the front of the hangar with the the push lawn mower so thanks to him things are neater.
I located the other grill in the truck box storage area so it is now accounted for. Maybe be can set up the 3 grills on low and cook up some slabs of ribs in one future weekend. Let me know if that sounds like a viable idea.
We had 4 flights in Pumpkin today. Don Grillo was GSO, Nick L. towed, and we all took turns as wing runner. For the first time ever, Andy C. and I took a flight together in Pumpkin. We found some barely there lift and then had to come home. Don took 2 flights with new member Ratina and then I finished out the day by taking the 4th and last flight in Pumpkin with one of my guests. All tows were 2K due to clouds but it was OK. So, 4 flights, little to no lift, no real wind, and temps in the mid 70*’s with an average flight of 11 minutes. Not a bad Sunday.
This coming Saturday and Sunday have forecasts of sunny around 77*F.
Rich Walenda
ParticipantHello:I can be out around 11:30’am when Nick is there to be GSO, wing run and fly. Regards,
Rich Walenda
ParticipantHello:Was there overzealous cleaning or is unsecured stuff starting to disappear on our property? Old grills are not valuable but the junk scavengers like them. Regards,
Rich Walenda
ParticipantHello:Speaking of tools: I stopped by the field today at 4:45 pm. Pumpkin was a bit loose. It’s windy and the runway crosswind is direct at the tied down gliders. If you do not know how the straps or tie downs work just ask and we will teach you how they work. There is no shame in asking and learning. I will try to check the field in the morning after the forecast storms go through.