Winch survey Results

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Winch survey Results

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  • Author
    • #9881
      Art SilvermanArt Silverman

      If you haven’t voted you still can, and if you want to remain anonomous you can send me your vote at

      At 10:00 last night I stopped counting and we had 8 “Keep the Winch” and Zero (0) to “Sell.”

      This morning I had an additional 75 “Keep” with approx 45 active members, I think my my voting system was hacked.  I’m going to contact the GOP and the DNC to have my system checked.

    • #9892
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      I did not see this post go out as an email.  I only saw it here.  Were you shut down/censored?

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