Why glider pilots get soaked after first solo

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    • #14707
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      As part of an educational endeavor I will explain why glider pilots get soaked with water after their first solo.  As many know, for power pilots, an expensive shirt’s tail is cut off and hung up in the hangar with the solo pilot’s name and date of first solo written on it.  Since glider pilots are more frugal and do not have as many shirts as power pilots many think that water from a bucket is thrown at the triumphant glider first solo pilot because it is cheaper – but that is not so.

      The real story is that everyone knows that Polish glider pilots are the best in the world.  And Polish glider pilots are religious and celebrate Smigus-Dyngus aka lany poniedzialek (Wet Monday) the day after Easter.  Throwing buckets of water in Poland the day after Easter is traditional.  Some think of it as holy water washing away sins, others as just a good time to splash people.  Either way, it is possible and probable that you get soaked on Easter Monday in Poland.  But, I digress.

      A glider pilot’s first solo can be described as an almost religious experience in that the pilot is rising up toward heaven on a nice day all by themselves.  Eventually, the pilot must leave the lift and ends up with a great landing and full of joy.  As everyone knows, the joy is short lived because all glider pilots want to be happiest themselves and not let anyone be happier than them.  Who is currently the happiest pilot?  Of course it is the person who just soloed the glider.  The others then want to “rain on the parade” and soak them with water.

      Now you have the real explanation of why glider solo pilots get soaked with water.

      Happy APRIL FOOLS DAY!



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