Wednesday June 19th Flying?

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    • #14994

      Hi everyone,

      With June 19th being a holiday, I’m checking to see if anyone is interested in flying that day. Are there any instructors available to assist?



    • #14995
      Zack O'GradyZack O’Grady

      I’m also off work and would be interested in flying or helping out with any projects.

    • #14999
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      We would need a tow pilot. My recommendation would be a small operation in the morning. It will get hot. The wind should be manageable. Since it will be hot I suggest drinking lots of water. Keeping an eye out for localized thunderstorms is also advised. The afternoon weather may be “interesting”.

      A 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 1pm. Mostly sunny, with a high near 92. Heat index values as high as 96. South southwest wind 10 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.

      I have the day off and can assist as GSO and wing runner.

      Please speak up if there is any interest in an operation.


    • #15001
      Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

      I am going to be at the field doing my check out in the Pawnee.  I will be there to fly, and or help with wing running, flight log, or towing gliders depending on need.  Trigg will likely also show up to help and fly.  Mike


    • #15002
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      What time are you starting?

    • #15003
      Michael PalmerMichael Palmer

      Rich, I am starting at 9, while there won’t be towing right away, I suppose anytime people can start pulling gliders out assuming the weather is conducive to doing some training or flying. Mike

    • #15004
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Is there an instructor available to come out this morning to give a few instructional flights?

    • #15022
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      We have a new tow pilot at Sky Soaring. Let’s all congratulate Mike Palmer on his checkout on the Pawnee. May you have many happy glider pilots, after dropping them off in lift.

      — Don

    • #15023
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      Today we met at the field as a small ad hoc group.  Mike Palmer was working on his tow check out.  Always wanting to help out, I assisted by letting him tow me in my 1-26c. The tow was great, the lift – not so much.  It progressively got hotter and windy.  Zack O’Grady and I took up “Pumpkin” for a fun flight and found just a little bit of lift and saw some cumulus clouds forming.  After the flight it just got too hot and windy to continue so we called it a day.  Maybe we will have more cooperative weather Saturday.  Thanks to Trigg Palmer and Zack for wing running and to Don Grillo working as GSO and advisor.  Not a bad way to spend a Wednesday morning.



    • #15079
      John ScottJohn Scott

      Congrats Mike. Now as a tow pilot you’re everyone’s friend at a glider club! 😎
      John M. Scott

    • #15080
      Zack O'GradyZack O’Grady

      Congrats Mike!

    • #15082
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Congrats! And thanks for towing today!

    • #15084
      John ScottJohn Scott

      John M. Scott

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