Wednesday anchor installation

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    • #14615
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      Hello everyone. What a day it was today! John DR, Jim Hopkins, Kees, Greg Tomczyk, John Phelan, and I took advantage of today’s beautiful weather and started installing anchors for our ships in a new location. I’ve mentioned before that it won’t be an easy job, and it proved to be true to the fullest extent. In the morning, John DR and Jim spent time measuring and marking the spots where the new anchors would be installed. In the afternoon, we started with the installation, and after several hours, we managed to drill anchors for two gliders. I’ve previously indicated that it won’t be easy. At times, I doubted whether we were controlling the drilling machine or if the machine was controlling us. To cut it short, there’s still plenty of work ahead of us. This Saturday might be a bit cooler than today, but the plan is to continue what we started today. Looking forward to seeing you, see you on Saturday! Petr

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