Watching the ISS Go Over Tonight

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    • #8536
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      With the successful launch of Falcon 9 into orbit (hurrah!) I thought again of watch the night sky for ISS.


      At 8:47 tonight you will be able to see the ISS go over.  You can only see ISS just after sunset and just before sunrise as the sunlight reflects off the station.  Starts about due west near where the sun sets and continues eastward across the southern sky.


      Should be a good view tonight at 26 degrees above the horizon. Even better view starting at 10:24PM up to 58 degrees.   Rare to have two viewings on the same day.


      PS – We should also be able to see the Falcon capsule but unsure when/when.   Will report back.


      Enjoy, John

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by John DeRosaJohn DeRosa.
    • #8538
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      I looked up Falcon9 viewing and it looks like about 6-10 minutes earlier than ISS going overhead you should see the capsule on the same trajectory.  So starting about 8:37 tonight start looking.


      The ISS is large enough that you can just barely make out its spidery shape.

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