turn of the 21st century glider

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    • #14653
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      Interesting note in Feb 2024 Soaring mag, page 50, indicating that the introduction acceptance of the PW-5 was not as expected!

      Dont know why it was “rejected” as a decent Single-place composite glider, except the article seems to allude to it  being over-priced back then.  The bias seems to be backing 1-26 as better.  I’ve never heard anyone at SSI complain about the PW-5.   I assume from the article, that ease of assembly-dissassmbly for PW-5 had no factor for popularity in late 1990’s.  The average of 1.4 per state doesn’t hold here. We have 3 within 35 miles of each other.

    • #14709
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Thanks for the info.  Its good to have some more of the story.  See you at the spring training meeting.

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