Tuesday Work Team

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    • #12981
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Today a team began working on replacing the bungee cords on the Pawnee.  These are no ordinary bungee cords (tough as beef jerky) and equally tough to remove/install.  And the Pawnee design team didn’t make them very easy to even uncover their location let alone get a wrench on.

      Gary Palumbo and Don Grillo led the removal charge helped by Jim Hopkins, (new VP) Kees Van De Klippe, Steve Snyder, and yours truly.  Many thanks to Nick Lagenza’s father Pete for lending Sky Soaring his engine hoist which was combined with the hangar’s engine hoist (Mike Vaughn’s?) to safely get the Pawnee’s landing gear off the ground.

      Don was last seen touring the countryside with the old bungee mounting brackets in tow going between airport maintenance shops to get the new bungees installed.  Last word was he had gone to Dacy and Lake In the Hill airports.  Maybe ORD would have something for a 777 that might work.

      Steve and Jim were seen working on some dangling gutters on the north side of the hangar.

      Jim and I went gasoline (lawn mower) and kerosene (torpedo heater) shopping.

      – John DeRosa

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