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    • #15072
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Ticks. For everyone who was at the airport today and was moving around where all our gliders are now, check yourselves for ticks. I just found one on the back of my neck. I have O-negative blood, the best type there is, maybe that’s why they like me so much. But just in case, check yourselves. Thank you all for a pleasant day. Petr</p>

    • #15107
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Hello:I was mowing around the tie downs with the small mower yesterday. I did not see ticks but it was breezy so that could have kept them down. Maybe was can get some bug killer to keep them at bay. Is there a Saturday/Sunday recap?Regards,


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